"Rescue Attempt"

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As I was maintaining my balance on the roof of the vehicle for it zoomed it's way, I heard the golden breed's cry once again from the inside.

And from the sound of it, she is surely trying to break open the cage. I also heard that there were other sounds from the inside likely other dogs and cats but only Mazer was speaking as I heard.

"Mazer~ Mazer~ Can yor hear me??"

"Ka-kaori???! You're here?? You'll get me out of here, right??"

My whispering words were replied with a sudden response from the inside and Mazer likely heard me at least so I told her to just be quiet for now until I figure out a way to get her out of this container.

I got some problem on balancing myself when the vehicle began moving a lot as it zoomed ahead of the other vehicles on the road and I even noticed that some riders already recognized my presence up on the vehicle's roof so I dropped myself lower at least.

I really need a plan to get Mazer out of here~

Right then, I noticed a square lid somewhere on the roof and I concluded that I can get in the container if ever I open it in any way. I sneakily crawled on the roof with my lowered body still maintaining my balance since it gets slippery from time to time until I get myself closer to the square lid.

"Kao-ri?? Are you still there??"

I heard the impatient pup from the inside and I only replied in a whisper that she managed to hear.

I tried to open the lid with my nails and paw but I got a hard time doing it. And things got more challenging when the vehicle drove in through a tunnel that it got darker but I persevered until I managed to open the square lid and I peeked inside that I heard the barks and noises of the other animals inside.

It was strange since all I heard were barks, growls, purring, and animal noises. Mazer was the only one who got langauage to utter words I understood.

"Yes! I knew you would come to save me!"

The vehicle suddenly shook that is likely because it ran over a rock or something that I nearly fell off from the roof if only I wasn't holding onto the square lid.

The noises of the other animals also crept me fear and doubt if I could even help the golden breed out from here. Also, I started worrying if ever I get caught as well if ever then it will be a bigger trouble.

I tried to muster up enough courage to jump inside the container since I only need some few adjustments on the lock of Mazer's cage to open it but what I feared is being in the midst of the other animals that are already trying to break free from their cages as well seeing me from the square lid.

I wasn't that much afraid of dogs and cats when I was human but knowing that I am currently a wolf and being faced before them is totally a different story.

It took me several more minutes before I finally decided to jump in and expected the whole container to be noisier and wilder that the sudden commotion likely reached the driver and the other man with him because the vehicle suddenly came to a stop after we got out of the tunnel.


"Keep quiet, Mazer! And ran out as quick as possible if they open up the container~"

I was getting bothered by the earsplitting noises of furious barks and growls from around me. There is even just a few inch partition of the cages and I could feel the creeps inside my nerves with the fear that I might get in danger if ever these other animals get out by any chance or if I get caught in here by those men.

I heard the footsteps from outside and it seems like they really parked the vehicle to check what's going on inside. I, on the other hand, tried my best to open the cage where Mazer was and I was obviously in panic and anxiety while doing so as the footsteps reached the outside of door of the container and I heard the keys resounding as if the container is being unlocked already.

"What a pain are these stray animals being all noisy and bothersome, Brad~"

"I'll give them some electric shocks to shut them up for a while once you opened the container so hurry up or boss will get angry if we don't arrive on time again~"

"Right. Get the electric stick quick and let us make this over with~"

I already got more of a panic hearing the men's conversation and I even slipped my paw so I redo what I did to open the cage of Mazer's as quickly as possible in all uprising tension in me.

"Oh no~ Kaori, I think it is best if you get out of here! They can't catch you or whatever! They might-"

"Just trust me!"

I didn't know what the men heard from me outside but I heard that they got in a panic when I shouted at Mazer. I even heard that the key dropped and a frightened muttering echoed from the two men.

"Woah~! Did I heard it right, man??"

"No way~ Maybe those were just the dogs~"

"A short howl like that??! Can that be possible?? It was more like a wolf, yo~"

"Don't be silly~ They are still crazy canine breeds... Don't be such a scaredy-cat!"

I managed to open Mazer's cage and surprisingly busted out of the container at the same time when the two men tried to open the door of the container that we sent them chickening on their feet and running away in desperate flee upon seeing us get out. I needed not to scare them away anymore with too much effort~

I guess wild animals really get humans frantically horrified when seeing one~

"Let's go, Mazer!"

The litttle one followed me until we were back hidden in the forest trees and the night was ruling in that I managed to take my breaths eased when I sensed that we were at least safe at the moment. I wasn't yet able to calm myself fully and I was still like having a traumatic replay of the feeling I had in that container and facing off with those men when I heard a cheerful and sudden chuckle from behind me that I got caught up with and making me unmoved on my spot under the shadows of the trees casted by the moonlight.


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