"Strange Sense"

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"Kaori~ Can you howl for me too??"

I heard the golden breed to have spoken and she grinned at me while she was still on that rock.

"Come on~ You are better at howling afterall~"

She insisted and the look on her face made me do it. We howled together once before I sensed an incoming danger and that is when a falcon nearly snatched the golden breed when it flew over us. I nearly caught it with my wolf's reflexes but it escaped and flew away.

"Aaaaahh~!! Ka-o-ri!!"

I didn't quickly saw it but Mazer slipped on the rock when she dodged the talons of that falcon and she fell off the cliff that I was shocked when it happened and I saw how her little fragile body stumbled and rolled down the steeps until I wasn't able to see her anymore under the outgrown trees below.

I was horrified and, at the same time, in great worry when I shouted her name and I quickly trailed down the steeps to follow her and see what has become of her condition.

I was in fear and anxiety as I raced my way down that I even tripped and hurt myself badly when I hit myself on the rocks too when I fell after a wrong step. I might really be a clumsy wolf as I am~

"Mazer! Mazer!"

I searched through the trees and I quickly picked up her scent that I hurt my right front paw again so I only walked my way to where I smelled her with my three limbs.


I whispered her name as I knew I was drawing nearer and I could feel the heavy feeling inside of me as I trailed my way through the bushes and trees.

And there, as I feared~

I saw the golden breed's body being laid on a bed of shrubs not moving a single muscle. I was in terror and I quickly went to call her name and see if she is conscious that I was speechless and left frozen on my place knowing that she didn't respond or more likely moved.

"Hey~ Little pup~ Mazer?? Hey~ Mazer??! You can't be-"

I didn't manage to say anything more and just nudged my nose onto her but it was no use.

I guess she is-

I sensed a presence of something around me and I raised my radar up and my defensive reflexes. I guess my wolf senses are being more sharp as ever and I am being more used to it too as time passed by...

The fact that wolves can hear better than dogs made me more aggressive if ever that presence of someone appeared and I lowered my body and my head letting my sharp teeth to show.

I darted my glare to a certain direction and I stood ready to attack when I suddenly heared a voice that tickled in my ear knowingly.

I was relaxed from my tension and, slowly, I raised my head in wonder upon seeing a certain person who stood before me and was likely unmoved to see me.

"I guess I hurt my back and I-"

Our eyes met and I looked at her from head to toe that she didn't move on her spot but she was obviously speechless.

I was also frozen on my place as well and I didn't know what to do or say the moment she appeared from the bushes massaging her right shoulder and she was holding onto her left wrist. I was frantically speechless that I really didn't know what to do~

I noticed how she gulped and she tried to take a step forward not averting her puzzled gaze on me now.


Her voice was shaken and paused in between the syllables of my name and that is when I was able to flinch to where I was.


The name I used to address her escaped freely from my mouth and I felt butterflies in my stomach after uttering it.

And to interrupt the mood, I heard the moan of the golden breed from behind me that I turned my head around and returned it back then I saw no one. Did I saw her wrong?? Was I just being delusional?? I really felt her and saw her... Even my wolf senses say so~ But where did she go??

I tried to search around me and I was feeling so desperate but then my attention was taken by another moan and I realized that I also need to attend to Mazer who was gradually starting to move on the bushes where she laid.

I only brushed off the perplexed thought and search and ran to Mazer that I saw her blinked and our eyes met that she was in a sense of pain when I helped her get up.

"Aah~ Ouch~ I guess I hurt my back and I-"

My perplexity raised even more and I was in total confusion when Mazer spoke and she eyed me as if asking what I suddenly had in mind.


She tilted her head and I finally laid her down on the grassy ground still confused and speechless.

"Mazer~ Are you alright??"

"I guess I hurt my right front limb~ But don't worry about it, Kaori... I will soon be fine~ I am going to be the best police dog afterall~"

I noticed a strain smile on the golden breed's face but I couldn't understand what I should feel and think about at the moment.

After what happened earlier... It still bothers me now...

"Mazer, can you stand??"

"I can barely move my body... But I will be fine~"

I didn't buy it and I only gently carried the golden breed to a small cave-like hollow nearby.

Mazer moaned from time to time and and I went out to search for some useful medical plants. I have been studying about dogs for the past two years of my life and I also have a dog at home so I know what to do for Mazer.

I searched and brought them back in the small cave only to see the golden breed sleeping already. It is lucky enough that she survived from that fall at least... Even my right front paw wasn't yet that feeling well but I applied the plant on Mazer.

She moaned once again but she didn't wake up and I laid beside her keeping my sight on her until the afternoon. I didn't went out to search for food anymore~ I felt so confused at the moment that prevented me from leaving the pup behind...

I was confused so much and perplexed... Maybe I was really delusional earlier after I got hurt and hit myself on the rocks as well~

But no way~ I just really sensed she was there... I saw her... She saw me~ She called me and I spoke her nickname...

But why?? Why did she vanished all of a sudden?? Was my sense strange?? Was is it all wrong??

Or am I just delusional for thinking about her these past fews days during this journey I had with Mazer??

But wait... I twitched when I suddenly heard a thunder from the outside and that is when I heard that it is raining... It is really the rainy season, huh??


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