"Lingering Memories"

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"Ahahah~! Wow, Kaori, you were so brave~!"

I heard the remark of the little one behind me who got herself in aura of excitement still looking back from where we came from. I only sat down when I finally got myself at ease and she grinned and ran in circle around me likely celebrating our little escape experience from earlier.

"I was already worried they might get you~ I didn't care about myself anymore when I heard they were about to open the container and might have seen you there.... But I am so glad you managed to let me out in time and we scared them off and escaped safe and sound!"

I was caught up when Mazer suddenly jumped on me from behind that she even slid down on my back before she nudged her head on me and thanked me several times.

"Hey, quit it already~ There is no need to be too close and buddy-buddy with me, Mazer~ Just don't get yourself in trouble again and make sure to follow what I said when I try to warn you on things~! Don't be such a kid, Mazer~"

I was muted when I said the last sentence of my statement and Mazer even waved her paw before my eyes that got me back to myself.

"Ok. Ok. I will be more obedient from now on and I won't put you in danger~  I know it is my fault that they also nearly could have caught you too~ Not to forget that those five men who caught me were initially after a wolf for sure hearing how they talked before~ I am sorry... I understand now, Kaori~ But I think I am really just still a pup, huh?? I act like a naughty human kid does~ Sorry~"

I was a bit affected hearing Mazer and I at least felt guilty raising my voice on her. She nodded her head and just scratched the ground lazily.

"Nope~ I am sorry for being irresponsible and bossy, I guess~ And for being such a coward~ I should have helped you sooner when those men caught you and didn't waited anymore until you were brought in that vehicle~"

"No, Kaori~ I am guilty for this one~ Sorry for being such a kid like what you said... But really, you were so brave when you helped me out~ I want to be like you when I become a police dog already!"

"There you go again with that dream.... Whatever~ Let us look for a place to spend the night and not let ourselves get caught by anyone anymore~"

I only got up and walked ahead and made sure she was alongside me that we rested in another burrow we just found and Mazer pressed herself close to me that kept us warm for the night.

"Good night, Kaori. And thanks again. You really were so brave back there and thanks for telling me to trust you too..."

She yawned once before she rested her chin on my paw and closed her sleepy eyes.

"It feels so light to have someone I can rely on and put my trust to... Thank you, Kaori~"

And with those words, Mazer got herself to slumber and I only rested my chin as well on the cold dry ground overlooking the light of the moon from outside the burrow that allowed me get my eyes blinking until I was asleep.

'Just trust me, Kaori!'

'Don't be such a kid~'

'Hey, wake up! Kaori, let us go now~!"

My vision was still blurry when I heard a resounding someone's voice that awoken me in the morning.

"Hey, wake up! Kaori, let us go now~!"

I felt some light punches of soft paws on my face that gradually made me open my eyes only to see Mazer trying to wake me up.

I think I was dreaming again~

"The sun is already high up, Kaori! Wow~ I guess you also get a long nap from time to time~ Heheh. Here! I got you some berries I found just outside... I have already eaten too."

The little pup pushed the berries which were piling up on a big leaf and drew it nearer to me. I was even surprised that she brought me breakfast today.

"You went out on your own again??"

"It was just nearby though and I was careful this time too... Don't worry anymore, Kaori. Just eat already!"

"Right. Hm~ Thank you then.. Mm~ Delicious~"

"Yeah??! I knew you would like them! I got so full actually~"

And the little one rolled over showing me her stomach that was obviously filled and she even rubbed it too grinning. The sight of her made me smile lightly and just finished eating after a while.

"You know what, Kaori~ You were blabbering something when I came back from looking for those berries... It was like you were dreaming something but I wasn't able to understand what you were saying... Only that line where you said: 'Why did you leave?? Why haven't you talked to me anymore??' I heard that you somewhat said those at that moment..."

I got halted after I heard the golden breed to have spoken when we were about to go out of the burrow to continue our journey. My sudden halt even made Mazer to hit her head on my back.

"You heard?? Actually, I used to really get into sleep talking all the time~ Just don't mind it, Mazer... Let us go now~"

The little pup didn't asked me more about what she heard and I also didn't speak of anything too about it.

We only continued on our journey following the road while keeping ourselves through the forest.

The thought about my dream likely stayed in my head during our whole walk and I was mainly quiet and lost in thought. Mazer was still the same cheerful one as usual and she tend to bite a lot of random things on our way.

We even encountered a cobra too when she suddenly bit it's tail for mistaking it as a stick. We managed to escape from that reptile and I ended up scolding the little one again that she only burst out laughing after a moment of silence when we were back on track.

Really... This golden breed~

She reminds me of someone...


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