"To Run Away"

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The pup called me in between syllables with pauses.

"Have I forgotten her?? I often hear people saying that when one experiences heartbreaks and was hurt because of someone, the option is to just move on and start over... I don't quite get it... Mazer-"

I wasn't able to continue and I looked the other way not to meet the pup's curious gaze.

"How easy can it really be to forget someone who left in you so much more than anything to remember?? No matter how much it was such a headache to think about why she didn't talked to me and ignored me~ Have I forgotten her??"

I felt a fang inside of me but I dared not teared up even though the heaviness of the burden after the flashes of memories came back to me likely was unbearable all of a sudden. At times in my home, I don't tend to recall anything passed~

Because digging up pasts often haunts me... I could easily dig out the bad ones more than the good ones...

I once read that people tend to remember more of our regrets than those we accomplished~ And it mainly happens to me.. Yes, the memories were sweet but I always ended up tasting the bitter ones.

"I guess I once tried and pretended of forgetting her but saying I will forget doesn't really mean like it will be erased in my storage of memories.... Mazer, the memories are still stored in my head... Those good times and the last times we had together~ They weren't erased.... It means I haven't forgotten..."

I assessed myself to calm myself down and I felt Mazer to have rubbed her little self onto me that our rounded orbs collided.

"It is a funny thing because I haven't told anyone about this before~ Hm... Strangely, you manmde me speak about it... You really are not just a puppy."

"I already told you that I will become the greatest police dog someday... So Kaori, that friend of yours, since you haven't forgotten her, that means you still want to see her??"

I was kept silent and I didn't averted my gaze on the little canine this time. She really got her words getting through me...

"Actually, I had a lot to ask her back then... But I never had the chance. I guess I was too afraid to confront her when she started to ignore me. But it hurts to be ignored. It hurts to suffer alone mentally seeking answers that are unreachable. I really wanted to talk to her back then but my mouth never opened when she was already there before me."

Mazer led me to a stream when she heard one and she started gathering berries again from the nearby trees. She let me alone for the moment looking at the water before she came back with food.

"Ka-o-ri... Here~"

She came back having a leaf being pulled by her mouth again and she shared the berries to me that we ate together again. I even chuckled at her when she dove into the water to get the berries that went into the water. She told me that the berries can't go to waste.

"You're soaked again~"

I told her and the golden breed only wiggled her soaked body that I was even drizzled by the droplets from her.

"At least I saved the berries~ They are yum, yum...."

"Oh~? Then you need to dry yourself..."

"I will be dry soon."

And then she wiggled once more that she even did it before me that she jist chuckled seeing how I was trying to cover myself from the water droplets. I only ended up playing with her again and we were soon soaked when she dragged me in the water.

How can I be so carefree with this pup?? Like I am going back to my childhood years... Are pets really good stress-reliever??

"You really are fun, Kaori! You never changed~"

I was caught up to Mazer and I raised an eyebrow before I dried myself as well and looked back to her who has just gotten out of the water.

"Ka-o-ri is so much fun ever since we met~ I really hope we can still play like this when you become human again~"

Our eyes met and I noticed how there wasn't this taint of cheerfulness in Mazer's eyes this time when she spoke. It was only like she was being serious that I suddenly find strange.

"Hey, Kaori... We will always be good friends, right?? Even though we don't see each other anymore if you become human again and if you be able to talk to me anymore..."

"Huh?? Of course.. You might be a puppy with a cheerful and playful attitude, but I like your company, Mazer~ And you are very nice... I am glad I became your guardian to bring you to Triangle Pass and bring you back to your owner~"

Mazer smiled a light one.

She walked ahead of me and sat down before that our eyes met again.

"Kaori, I was just curious... Sorry for being too curious today. I am just botheted after knowing about you a little~ But what if you can meet your dear friend again~ Will you talk to her and ask her why she ignored you?? Or will you get muted and just ignore her too??"

The question became even more sensible when Mazer lowered her head and dropped her body on the stony ground by the stream. Her truly curious eyes never averted from mine and she was likely smiling in wait for my response. She really has gotten too curious today~

I only sat down as well and looked down on her.

"Before, I felt like I don't know what to say everytime I see her in class, Mazer. I was out of words even though I wanted to talk to her. I only followed with my gaze since she started ignoring me... If I see her again, at least I want to hear from her why she ignored me.. Maybe that is the biggest question I had in mind. Before, I really wanted to run away because I feel awkward with her. But I don't think I will let my fear rule me this time if I see her again. I just want her to hug me and I want to see her smile again~ I told you that we were polar opposites and she was so carefree. She was like a kid back then and I was always like her older sister but the tables turn during times I had problems... Oh, Mazer... You are strangely a curious pup today.. We should get going now~"

I got up and Mazer obediently followed after me that we got back on our trail. It will take us a few more days to get around the cliffs where we have fallen and then we can reach Triagle Pass.


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