"Friend or Foe?"

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I was still in hiding behind the shadows when I heard some strange noises from somewhere. I became aware that something was moving from a distance and I slowly tracked where the sound was coming from.

And as I drew nearer to the source, I heard the rustling of leaves and succeeding footsteps then a sweet, child-like laughter lingered in my cuddly ears.

There must be a child nearby playing with something~

But in a forest like this place??

I kept myself leveled down and sneaked privily closing in and I peeked through the shadows that I spotted a young pup lying on the bed of autumn leaves from a short distance where I was and it was kicking and playing with butterflies hovering above it that the child-like and verily playful laughter resounded again.

"Hover~ Hover~ Purple and pink! Butterflies are pretty; they prink! Ahahah~!"

The pup was looking carefree enjoying under the hovering purple and pink butterflies that it even snatched one with it's mouth but missed and she ended sneezing. Right when she got up, she posed for self-awareness when some strange movements made light sounds from the other side. The pup was still in a moment like reading the atmosphere before she raced her way in an escape because a wolf just came out from the shadows and it chased down the young pup.

I was even surprised as well that I dropped myself lower to hide until I lost sight of the pup and the wolf.


My cuddly ears suddenly tweaked when I heard the shout. It is the puppy's voice~

I trailed as quickly as I could and went after where the puppy and the wolf went off to. I found the pup all cornered in a big rock and the wolf was stressing his sharp teeth darting a predatory glare and pose in front of her. I didn't charge in but I recognized how the pup dodged those fangs that nearly snatched her life and the pup ran across the wolf's legs escaping for another time but the aggressive wolf caught her tail and I heard how the pup cried in pain when she was thrown to the ground.

"Oh~ Please don't eat me, mister wolf~ I beg you to spare my life..."

Hearing the pup, there was a howl that ruled the forest and the wolf was distracted by it that it ran away leaving the trembling pup that was knowingly perplexed but relieved and catching her breath.

The pup did a few inhales and exhales  before she mindfully looked around her and she tried to ran away but I refrained her from leaving when I leaped and landed in front of her sending her to a quick halt and she even tripped herself before me.

Her eyes were rounded with her velvety golden furs. She didn't surpress to growl bravely at me attempting a scare-show but I noticed how surprised she was when I appeared.

I traced my shadow over her because of the peeping light from above the trees and I noticed her sense of fear just with my presence. Her growl turned to repeated warning barks that made me commend her guts to do so.

Normally, an encounter with a wolf after an early attack from another will send anyone fretting on their feet to ran away. But this pup suddenly got herself to threaten me away with no kind gestures...

"Calm down. Can you??"

I articulated that kept the pup quiet in place and she relaxed tilting her head and giving a strange kind of a look. I only sat down in front of her and I flinched when I got to feel my right front paw to tingle once again. I forgot about it in a short while, I guess...

"You can talk too???!"

The pup shot me off an unannounced question and she suddenly sounded surprised that she lifted her head.

"What about you?? Are you from here?? What is a pup like you doing here??"

The pup began to walk around me in circle that I thought was amusing since she suddenly acted like the more decent predator between us. She gave me a chatechizing stare from all angles and her still maturing fangs, she revealed with a slight, soft growl.

"You also tried to attack me~ Who are you?? What do you want?? Are you trying to fool me around after your mate left you just now?? Or are you sending in the pack that is why the first one left and you came out to keep me from escaping??"

I felt kind of offended hearing her strange words to me. Is she attempting to taunt me??

"Look, kid. This place is not verily a suitable place for you to play around... And I am not messing with you right now. Refrain from that mate word or I'll make you not say it anymore..."

"I don't trust you... And yeah~ I am not supposed to be here but I have no idea why I am here either... I only followed the butterflies and got lost here then one of your kind attacked me from the shadows. Then you showed up and you talk~"

"I have always been able to talk... What is wrong with you, kid?? Do you think I am originally like what you see me now??"

The pup was confused and muted with my words. Simply because I was maybe too carried away...

"Strange to hear that from you~ You're a weird-minded she-wolf... I never knew wolves got their language to express in a manner I can understand~"

"Strange, huh?? And what does my ability to converse got any difference with you?? You are a pup and you can talk to me?? When did this ever happen in the human race??"

I was driven out of curiosity and the feeling of being intimidated with this little canine kid. Aren't I supposed to be her predator with my size??And to think that I will encounter a talking animal in this wild forest... Wait~ What if she is like me?? Is she originally a human child as well??

"Speak or forever hold your peace!"

I was caught up with the little golden pup who sat down in front of me and our gaze collided in this tranquility.

"Are you a friend or a foe??"



Wolf Tale and a Dog (completed)Where stories live. Discover now