Chapter Forty Seven

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Hours later, Adam was found pacing the cell block. Michonne was ready, and cleaning her sword. The blood had stained the metal blade, and she liked having it clean. She was always like that. It was decided on who would go to Woodbury. Rick, obviously, Michonne, Maggie, Ellen, Adam, Scott, Glenn, and Matt, Darrion, along with Brittany. Delta and Skylar would keep watch on the prison, just in case anything happened. Hershel and Heather would look after Judith.

Michonne described Woodbury as no safe haven. And it wasn't. There was some sort of secret, she thought. She could see it, with walkers being kept in a cage. She knew there was a secret, and she didn't want to find out. But she knew what she had to do. She had to kill The Governor before anything happened. That way, Mikaela, Andrea, and Ariel would all be safe.

"Night's coming. We should leave soon," Glenn said, wearing riot gear that they had found in the warden's closet. 

Rick loaded his python, looking over to Adam seeing him pace. Adam couldn't believe Anthony was alive. He was alive. All this time, Adam had thought that Anthony got chased down by a walker, and left to die. That it was his fault for not stopping the walker. That it was his fault that he died. But the game changed, and now he was alive. 

Ellen made sure her holster was in place, and gun was fully loaded. She didn't want to risk anything, as she didn't know what was ahead. Her and Michonne had talked about Woodbury. She recognized the name right away, and knew what Michonne was feeling. Something wasn't right about Woodbury.

 As soon as everyone was geared up, Heather opened the gates for them, as Rick drove the Hyundai out of the gates, followed by Michonne driving the truck that they had scavenged over the winter.

In the car, Ellen sat beside Rick, with Adam, Brittany, and Scott sat in the back. It was silent, as Adam looked out the window at the passing forest. Ellen had her gun gripped, glancing over to Rick, before he actually spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me about this place?" Rick questioned, glancing over to Ellen with a curious, semi-mad face.

Ellen sighed. "I didn't think it'd affect anyone. I told Heather and Scott.. but I didn't think to tell you." She said quietly, looking down. "I'm sorry."

Rick gave her a small nod. He knew it was too late to be mad, as they had to deal with the problem instead of stressing out about it.

"I didn't get the right feel, with that place. You know?" Ellen said, looking back over to Rick. "The Governor.. I had my gun taken right away. My knife. I didn't feel safe at all."

Rick sighed, looking at the signs on the side of the road. Woodbury. Five miles.

"Was Anthony there when you were there?" Adam asked quietly, looking at Ellen.

Ellen tried to think. "I.. can't remember. I'm sorry."

Adam nodded slowly, looking down, and then back out the window. Scott sighed, as Brittany rolled down the window to get some air. The air conditioner wasn't an option, as gas was scarce. Suddenly, the car Michonne drove honked the horn quickly, and stopped on the side of the road. Rick followed the action. He stopped the car, and the survivors filed out. 

"We walk from here." Michonne said, looking up at the sun that was setting.

In Woodbury, Anthony opened the door to see Ethan panting, broken out of the chair that he was strapped to. Anthony pulled his gun on him, aiming. 

"You move, you get shot." Anthony warned, glaring. 

The Governor walked in, throwing Taylor into the room. She stumbled, falling on her elbows because her hands were tied together.

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