Chapter 2 - the vigilante patrols

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[Third person POV]
[2580 words]

The hero sat grumpily in the quiet coffee shop. The vigilante had solved yet another problem, and wrote a report on it as well. After Izuku left the station, hero's and police were immediately sent to the site to capture the guards and finish the case. The president was arrested, along with his associates.

Yet, Aizawa still had no leads on who the vigilante was.

Izuku stood behind the counter as he polished the mugs until they were like mirrors. He was rather distracted by the pounding headache the guard gave him. He managed to cover the wound with his hair so no one could see it, but Aizawa had noticed he seemed a little out of it.

Nanami walked out of the staff room and placed a variety of cakes in the glass display. She glanced at Izuku, who was aggressively polishing a mug.
'Izuku, that's perfect how it is... you can take a break if you want...' Nanami calmly mentioned.

Izuku flinched and looked towards her.
'Alright... thanks...' he quietly abided.
Nanami smiled. The teen didn't talk much, but his voice was somehow soothing.

The cafe during the day was well known by the hard of hearing and deaf community, as both Izuku and Nanami knew sign language. The little cafe had become rather famous, but it was still nice and quiet during the early hours of the morning.

Aizawa had only heard Izuku speak once before. He was curious as to why the boy didn't talk much.

Izuku made himself a hot chocolate, then walked to a table in the corner of the cafe and sat down. The hero watched as the teen sipped on his hot chocolate. He seemed to be concentrating on his thoughts; he seemed bothered by something.

'Izuku...' Aizawa called through the store.
The teen looked towards the hero with a questioning expression.

'You seem out of it today... is there anything on your mind?' He asked.

Izuku shook his head. 'I'm alright thanks.' He signed.

Aizawa wondered why he wouldn't speak. He gave the teen a quizzical expression, but turned towards his coffee.

Izuku smiled a little. He knew the hero was trying to capture him, he found it somewhat humorous that he was sitting so close to him without a clue who he really was.

'Mr Aizawa...' Izuku quietly called across the room.

The hero looked towards him, seeming somewhat surprised that he spoke.
'Yeah?' He calmly asked.

'Has work.. been tough lately? You're always lost in thought...' the teen quietly asked.

'Tough? I suppose... I'm suppose to find a vigilante that goes out at the same time as me.. but, we know nothing about them...' Aizawa explained.

Izuku smiled. He was happy to be getting information without the need to hack into private documents.

'Do you have any leads, then?' Izuku asked.

'Not really... we know they're about 5'0" tall (152 cm) and possibly male. The detective managed to speak to them last night. Oh! And they use sign language instead of speech... they have purple eyes, but we have no clue on the age. They're skilled enough to have gone through decades of training, but we're thinking between 25 and 30 years old due to how young their face seemed...' Aizawa recounted.

Izuku tapped his finger on the table. He was mad, because he is 100% 5'1", not 5'0". He was happy they thought he was so old though. He was only 13, but his fake ID said he was 17.

'Well.. do your best...' The teen said as he stood up and walked back to the counter to wash his mug and polish it.


A Vigilante Barista [Vigilante deku, dadzawa]Where stories live. Discover now