Webbed P.P.

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Y/N's POV:

I was sitting in the Avengers tower in my room. My father, Tony Stark, was out for a mission. He had insisted that my boyfriend Peter (A.K.A. Spider-Man) should stay home. It had taken him a long time to trust Peter. I had to babysit Morgan, my sister, today. 

I thought that it would be fun to invite Peter over as well. Morgan knew that I have a boyfriend, but she hasn't met him yet. I texted Peter, asking him if he could come over. Of course, he said yes and about a half hour later, he was here. I call Morgan and tell her to come with me. 

She saw Peter and attempted to hide in my arms. I just laugh a little at her. "Hey Pete." I give him a hug with my free arm and kiss his cheek. "Morgan, this is Peter. My boyfriend."

She looked at Pete and then back at me. "He's cute" I laugh a little. 

"Yes. He really is. Isn't he?" Peter smiled like he heard her comment. 

"Peter can you play with me?" Morgan was now excited that she had someone else to play with. 

"Yeah sure. What do you want to play?" I place Morgan down and she runs to Peter and yells "TAG!"

The two of them run around, giggling like crazy. Seeing Peter play with Morgan was so cute. I just found it so attractive that he is so good with kids. 

--------------------------an hour later-----------------------

Peter and Morgan were exhausted. We ended up watching Disney movies for a while. Of course, Morgan being Morgan didn't want to sit still for a long time. Peter had offered to show us how to use web shooters. When he wanted us to shoot at the wall, I whispered to Morgan, "Let's wrap Peter in webs. It'll be funny." She laughed. 

The webs were shot at Pete instead of the wall and he ended up being tangled in his own spider webs. "Heyyyyy!" I laugh. Morgan was giggling uncontrollably as we both run out of the room, leaving Peter there, tangled in his webs. "Y/N/N GET BACK HERE!" 

After a few minutes, I felt bad so I went back to the room we had left Peter in. I untangle the webs and he was free. His arms wrapped around me tightly, holding me close. "Y/N you are so dead." I suddenly realized what was coming but didn't have time to escape before his hands tickled my sides. 

"I'm sorry! Stop please!" I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. Finally, Peter finally stopped. I sigh and lean against his chest. 

"I-I love you..." I heard him softly whisper. His voice was shaking a little like he was scared that I might not feel the same way. 

A playful smile appeared on my lips. "I don't..." His face immediately turned pale and he avoided looking at me. That's when I started giggling. "You totally fell for that. Of course I love you, you dork!" I stand on my toes and press a kiss against his soft lips. 

He smiled so huge and said "I can't believe that you made me think that..." 

"Shut up." I mutter softly as I play with the soft hair on his head. I was about to kiss him again when I saw someone standing in the doorway. "Morgan?!"

She giggled and started running. I laugh and run after my little sister while Peter watches us and smiles. 

God this one was complete shit. I thought that I have't updated in a while and just whipped something up. Sorry if it sucks... -Author

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