Chapter 1

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'C'mon Bella, you're going to be late if you keep falling asleep and I'm done hearing your stupid alarm' My roommate, Olivia, screamed as she opened my bedroom door and uncovered me, I instantly felt the cold hitting my back and I groaned in annoyance.

'Stop being stupid Liv, It's Saturday!' I grabbed my covers and was drifting into sleep again.

'Fuck Bella! You've got to go to work today! And it's already 8 am' Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I got up as soon as I heard 8 am and started to rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower as fast as I could.

I pushed the door from the diner and started to run towards the small room where I leave my stuff and put my apron on and luckily Javier didn't notice me being late.

'You're late Bella, this is the third time this week' Could I just manifest to the universe and it could not be an asshole to me, for once?

'I'm really sorry Javier, it won't happen again, I promise' I could feel his judgmental look on my back as I was putting my hair into a ponytail, it was the third time this week I said those words to him.

'Bella, it's the third time this week, next time there will not be a warning, you know the deal' I was fucked up and why? Because I like sleeping more than I like to have money to pay for my things apparently. I got into work and since it was 9:10 am there were not that many people around, the hardest time was at lunch time, and since we're close to the university dorms this place would be filled soon.

I actually liked working here, and the salary is fine, I can pay my own things without depending on my parents, which is a plus to me since I'm not on good terms with them. It was 5 pm and I was already going home, finally, and tomorrow and Monday were my days off, which meant Olivia and I are going to visit her parents, they live like an hour away from us so it was a fast ride and I thanked god every day for her parents, who seemed more my parents then my own. The reason why I stopped talking to my parents it's probably the most stupid thing to you but not to me, you see, they wanted me to go to college, me didn't want to go to college and be a doctor or a lawyer like they wished, I wanted to have a job, where I could enjoy being a teenager while I could, not spending my teen years with my lashes being burned and wasting the most incredible years I am going to have and due to that, they kicked me out, I was 17 and the only money I had was the money I had been saving up to buy a camera, which was more or less 900$, turns out that they basically disowned me and luckily for me, Olivia's parents took me in while I couldn't find a job and a place to live and I'm thankful to them forever, but the best part of going to Olivia's house was seeing her brother, she knows about the huge crush I have on him, I mean who wouldn't have a crush on him, but that was it, just a crush.

I grabbed my keys and opened the door and soon as I got in, I smelled something being cooked, and that is weird because if Olivia were to cook, she would burn the whole kitchen to the ground. I went to the kitchen and saw Olivia's mother.

'Mrs. Pimentel?' I asked and she turned to me as I rushed to hugged her tightly 'What are you doing here? I thought we were the ones to go to you tomorrow' I laid my bag on the island and sitted on a stool nearby.

'Well, we wanted to surprise you girls, since you're always the ones to go to us' she smile as she steered the food on the pan, she caught me looking and taking a deep breath absorbing the smell of the food ' I'm making mashed potatoes with grounded beef' She knew that was our favorite food, I swear to god that she's more my mom than my own.

'And where's Olivia?' I asked since I didn't hear her voice or any sound likely to her.

'She went to the store with Victor and Joel, to buy some groceries and more pillows, I forgot that you don't have enough' I smiled when the name of her brother was mentioned, I nodded to her and grabbed my bag.

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