Chapter 9

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The clock hit midnight and everyone started to scream "Happy new Year" and all I could do was smile as I looked at my friends, specially to the boy next to me, how quickly turned me to him, catching me by surprise.

'I love you Bella, I love you more than anything I ever did in my life' I melted as I looked into his eyes, and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot while looking at him. 'And that's why I want to ask you something' wait what? 'Bellatrix, will you be my girlfriend?' I wasn't the kind to be all romantic and into cliches, but having him asking me to be his girlfriend on new year's made me feel all type of ways.

'Of course I will' Suddenly I felt my feet getting off the ground as he hugged me, and o ce he put me down, I swear to you, he gave me the sweetest kiss ever.


Two months have passed, yeah, I know, too much, but everything is going great. I've been getting a regular schedule and I kind of bribed Javier to give me the same schedule as Zabdiel had in his intership so I'd always have a ride, clever am I right?

Right now I'm at home, it's my day off and I'm just in my sleeping short and one of Zabdiel's old shirt, watching Dark, when I received a call from Zabdiel. He took the weekend to go to his hometown, and since we spent so much time together, I thought it was better for him to just go alone.

Hi baby, where are you?

Hey babe, I'm at home. Everything's okay?

Yeah, yeah, I just came earlier and wanted to see where you I'll go over in 10, see ya

He didn't even gave me time to think of an answer, since he ended the call as quickly as he could and I just started to wonder what he's up to.


10 minutes had gone by and, as expected, I heard a knock on the door and went to open it.

As Zabdiel entered my house, he kissed the top of my head and went straight to the living room. I could tell something was bothering him, and I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to seen like invading his space.

'We need to talk' those four words. Those are the four words that never, ever in a life time, come with a good thing. I prepared my self for the worst and just sat on the couch as I sighed

'Shoot it' my legs were numb and fear was taking over my body and all I could think was he was going to break up with me, why? Neither I know

'I got a call from the company and they offered me an actual job' I felt all of my muscles relax and my breath became stable

'You scared me for a second' I got up from where I was and went to sit next to him ' That's great babe, I'm really proud of you' I hugged him as tightly as I could, but the odd thing was that he didnt hugged me back. I broke the hug and looked back at him 'Theres more to it, isn't it?' He nodded his head and all I wanted to do was to cry. All the scenarios in my head led to one thing and one thing only, us breaking up.

' The job is in California, and I swear I wante to say no, but'

'But nothing, you did what you thought was better for you, I'm really proud you took this chance' I tried to say everything without crying, maybe I'm just being paranoid and maybe it's just a job for a couple of months and everything will be fine. ' how long will you stay there?' He lowered his head for a couple of seconds and the looked back at me

' For a year or more Bella' my heart sunk at those words, how are we supposed to be a whole year apart? Even if I find a way to go there and he comes over, it won't be enough, we've been together for almost six months, every single day together, not counting those other four months where we were friends and changed out all the time. This is messing me up. He put his hand on my knee and moved little circles with his thumb in it. ' This doesn't mean we're over nena, you're not getting away from me that easily' he smiled, and as hurt as I was, his smile brightened everything around me.

'I know, but long distance relationships are the worst. Specially for those couples who spend most of their time together, like us' there was this small silence between us, before a question popped my mind ' when did you got the offer?' I saw him tensing up and it didn't give me a good vibe.

'Thursday' ok, now I'm mad

'You've known about it and never said a word? I understand it's your life, your career, whatever, but I thought we agreed on saying anything to each other, speacially big decisions like this. I'm not against you moving there for a whole fucking year and being here without you, but I'm mad at you for knowing this for three fucking days, accepting it and just telling me now.' I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the big question that was running around my mind, but I just couldn't. 'When do you leave?'

'Tuesday' Anger, disappointment, hurt and a broken heart, was every thing I felt right now, I couldn't say a word to him, and before I made everything worst, I went up to my room.


The knock on my door echoed through the whole room. It was Friday and Zabdiel had already left for Cali. It was hard saying goodbye to him and see him get on that damn plane. I never thought I would be so attached to someone as I am to him.

'Bella, you're ok?' I heard Joel's voice and I quickly got up from my bed, sitting instead.

'You can come in' The door opened and I saw his figure entering the room and sitting next to me. He knew I was feeling down, so there was no need to ask about how I felt.

'Have you talked to him?' I nodded a yes. Me and Zabdiel agreed on talking thought facetime once, maybe twice a day, just to see each other and rant about something that would happen on that day.

'You'll see, this year will go by as fast as you can say wow' Joel was the best I could ask for, and I'm so thankful for having him and Olivia in my life.


Honestly I'm posting this and run....
This chapter just broke my heart in pieces and made me cry, eventhough this is a mess....

I just want to say that there will be major time jumps, or otherwise I would have the bible for a book 😳 (apologising in advance if that will make you seem lost, but if you do, just tell me and I'll try to explain as much as I can)

Do you think that anything will happen between Bella and Joel during this year? 👀

I hope you're liking it and thank you for the support you're giving me. I LOVE YOU GUYS ❤

-SavingR ❤

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