Chapter 18

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Everything was quite around her, but her mind was working as never.

Bella didn't understand what was going one, and throughout these past weeks all she's been having were dreams, but in reality it was just her memories passing through her brain.

The blond boy was fast asleep with his hoodie on and his body occupying the whole bed, which made her get up and go to the balcony in her bedroom, sitting in one of the chairs that were there. She loved when Miami had this foggy weather, she was a sucker for this weather in fact, and as the cold hit her skin she went inside, without making a sound, so she wouldn't wake up Zabdiel. She grabbed her hoodie, her favourite book, "Flowers in The Attic" and went outside again as she putted the hoodie on.

It had pass almost an hour since she woke up, she had read three chapters by now, when she heard Zabdiel mumble, leaned on the door.

'I hate it when you're not in bed, it feels like you ran away from me' he was still half asleep, and she couldn't help but put the book down a d admire the boy she had in front of her

'Because maybe I was. Your giant ass took over the bed and I couldn't sleep in the two inches of space I had' Her laugh echoed in the boy's ears like a catchy song, making him smile

'I'm sorry babe, let's go back inside and cuddle for a bit before we get invaded by those loud asses' actually that sounded like a good idea.

They were in bed, cuddling, facing each other, and Zabdiel's hot breath on Bella's forhead, send her to sleep as fast as she could.

But outside her mind everything was a mess. Zabdiel was sitting next to her and as he watched her serene and slightly pale face, he began to cry.

'I know your strong and you'll make out of this mess and I'll be waiting here for you, I'll never let go of you ever again'

Olivia and Chris arrived at the hospital and Richard was sitting my himself, scrolling through the phone.

'Hey' The boy took his eyes off the screen and looked over to his friends

'Hey' He watched as the couple sat next to him, ready for another night waiting for news. They weren't leaving her side until she was awaken, and this showed how much they actually cared about each other.

'How is she?'

'She came back from the operation an hour ago, and Zabdiel as been her room since the  nurse said he could go in. That boy haven't left her side in weeks and it breaks me to see him like that. I just hope everything ends up well'

Olivia was feeling devastated, seeing her other half, her best friend, like this made her feel empty, and eventhough everything in her life was going well, the fact that Bella was in this state, made her feel empty.


'Zabdiel, wake up, you need to go home'  Alec has been trying to wake him up for 10 minutes and he finally succeeded

Zabdiel got up, stretching himself out, he must have been here for the past three hours, since she came back downstairs

'Me llamas se algo sucede' He got out of the room, grabbing his stuff, half asleep. When he got outside he saw Erick and Joel sitting, and he narrowed his eyes as he saw Erick eating an ice cream like a little kid

'What? Que no puedo comer un helado en paz ahora?' Zabdiel just held his hands up in surrender and walked out of the hospital with both of his friends following him.


Music was playing in the distance, but all Bella could hear was Zabdiel's screams

'So you're going to say that that guy wasn't throwing himself at you're

'Zabdiel, you're making a storm in a glass of water. He did nothing wrong, why are you being so paranoid today?'

'Hey, don't call me paranoid, I saw the way that guy checked you out and I didn't saw good intentions in that look.'

'I cant deal with this right now' she turned to walk away from him and once she walked out of the club, the cold hit her body, making Bella put her coat on. She could hear footsteps behind her and Zabdiel calling her name

'Bella! Bellatrix wait!' She was trying to ignore him, but the ache in her heart made her stop and look at him

'What?' She said as the boy got closer to her.

'I'm sorry. I....I get insecure everytime I see a better looking guy throwing himself at you, but can I blame them? No. I'm sorry for being a dickhead to you mami' Bella tried her best not to give him, but could she ignore him, when he had that look in his face, reminding her that she loved him, every bit of him

'You're just stupid if you think that I'll ever, ever, give up on you. I don't want a guy that looks like all of the others. I want you, I want all of you and the way you make me feel? I only feel it when I'm with you, so yeah, stop being paranoid and a dickhead' She got closer to him, closing the gap between them, as he grabbed her waist and kissed her forehead.

The thing about their fights was simple as that, it didn't lasted  more than 5 minutes, they always apologized and made each other see their mistakes.

'I love you mamita, never forget that'

Alec was reading something on his phone, he was so distracted,  that he didn't saw  that one of Bella's finger just moved.



We haven't seen much of Zabdiel a d Bella's relationship in the previous chapters because of this. I'm going to put the highlights, good and bad, as Bella's "dreams".

Just can't wait for her to wake up tho 😭😭

I hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment

Love you all!!


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