Chapter 16

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Everything seemed to be in slow motion like in the movies. While the sirens from the ambulances were the only sound in the streets.

Alec made his way through the crowd, trying to reach out for his sister but it was too late, she was inside the ambulance already, and with tears in his eyes he ran back to his car to get to the hospital as fast as he could


Olivia was done calling Bella, she wanted her to go over to Miami so they could spend some time together, just the two of them.

Almost an hour later, while she was helping Chris with dinner, her phone rang showing Alec's name, her only thought was that maybe Bella ran out of battery in her phone and as the girl pick up the call and listen to those awful words, screams, crying and pain was all that got out of her.


While Alec paced around the waiting room, his parents sat and his mother cried uncontrollably, Olivia and Chris came inside the hospital running.

'WHAT HAPPENED TO HER' olivia screamed and cried as Alec hugged her, crying alongside her.

'I...She said she would go out to catch some air and 20 minutes later, phone rang and they said she had an accident,  they didn't explained it very well or maybe I didn't understand much' Chris' phone began to ring and the boy walked away from there to pick it up. He saw Erick's name in the screen and he remembered that they were supposed to hang out tonight

Hey stupid, donde estas?

Erick, Bella had an accident.  Olivia and I ar-

What? We're going there right now

Erick hung the call and rushed to where the rest of the boy were and gave them the bad news.

'Bella had an accident, we need to go' Zabdiel's body froze, his heart felt like it stopped beating, his breathing stopped for two straight seconds and he felt the air trapped in his throat. He completely forgot he had his fiancee by his side when he mumbled those words.

'I can't lose her again' he got up following his friends and he then remembered that Hannah was there. 'I need to go, please wait here' he wasn't thinking straight and he didn't even left time for her to think since he slammed the door on his way out


The beep from the machine's was everything they could hear. The doctor was speaking to them and Alec was focusing on what he was saying while his mother stood beside her daughter, holding on to her hand and prayed, she was praying that god didn't take her from her this soon.

'She has her left leg broken, four broken ribs and lucky to not have her lung prefuracted, but we're worried about her mental state. She's in an induced coma and we'll wait until she wakes up by herself and.... if she does, we need to do some tests, but that's a thing to be discussed at the moment. Right now we need to be patient and see how she reacts.' He left the room, leaving the Ortegas alone. None of them said anything, just looked at belle's face with purple bruises and one big cut in her eyebrow.


Olivia haven't stopped crying, in fact none of the six of them did. They were desperate while they sat in the chairs, all of them except Zabdiel who was walking back and forth in the corridor.

Joel got up and tried to calm him down, whitout any success, but at least he tried

'You need to sit Zabdiel, stay still for a while'

'I can't Joel, not until I know how she is' The boy had his eyes red and puffy.

'I'm sorry for what I'm about to say but... why are you acting like this, do you still have feelings for her? Because if you say yes, I need to remind you that you're getting married in seven months Zab-'

'I never stopped loving her, that's the thing. That's why I asked for her number at your birthday, me and Hannah had broken up before Richard's birthday and when I came back I wanted to tell her I loved her and That I wanted to be with her. That she meant more than anything to me and that us breaking up broke me even more. That seeing her with that guy broke every inch of me like I was made of glass. That every time I saw her pictures on my phone, I wanted to come back home, resign everything I had, just to be with her.' He began to cry even more and seeing his friend like this, made Joel cry as well ' She never said a word to me, I took the hint and tried to move on, got back with Hannah and eventually asked her to marry me, it was a stupid thing to do, and if I knew back then, what I know now, I wouldn't have done anything like that' zabdiel spoke in between sobs ' I cant lose her' and just like this, he broke down in tears again.


Everything was quiet in there, they eventually stopped crying, but they shed tears once they remembered her face.

'Te voy a buscar algo para que comas' Bella's dad got up and spoke to his wife,  not leaving any time for her to protest ' Any of you guys want something?' The group nodded and he just made his way to the bar.

Olivia had fallen asleep with her head on Chris's lap and her legs on Joel's, with those two asleep as well.

Erick was more serious than ever, memories of him and Bella runned through his mind while tears fallen down.

Richard was still in shock, with his eyes puffy and the only thing he kept saying to himself was that he hoped for his best friend to be okay.

All of them were in silence,in fact, what else could be said in a moment like this?

It has been two days and every day the group would go to the hospital once they got the chance and would drive back to Miami.  Still no signs of improvement  from Bella.  They never lost hope and they were all thinking of a way to make her respond.

Zabdiel had an idea, and he asked Bella's parents and her doctor for permission  and on the next day, he appeared at the hospital with his guitar and Bella's favourite book.

He just hoped that she could hear him and wake up from that coma she was in.


I literally cried while writing this. For sure it was the most emotional for me so yeah 😭

Spill your opinions about this chapter in here if you want to!! 😊

I just hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and comment ❤

Love you all guys ❤❤


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