Chapter 3

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Two months have gone by, and Joel had already moved in with us, my crush for him was officially over, and, exactly, I had a "small" crush on Zabdiel, you see, we flirt a lot, like too much, and it's inevitable of me to not have a crush on him. It was my week off, yes, week, Javier decided to give me a week off since I've been working three weeks in a row without a single day off, things were going great at the diner, we have been busy and that's why I worked so many days in a row, but he managed to give me a week off and honestly I was glad. I walked out my room with a bag and my swimsuit on and was about to walk out of the house when I heard a High-pitched voice scream.

'Where are you going?' She asked as she ran to me.

'Where do you think Liv?' I pointed to my top

'Nice, I'm going with you, can the boys tag along?' It was my first day off, and I wanted to be with myself and just I, but I know she have been missing me, I have spent less time at home than both of us liked.

'Sure, the beach is public, but go get ready, fast, I want to go now' She nodded and she ran to her room, soon I felt my phone buzzing and look to see it was a message form her to our WhatsApp group, I watched as they all agreed and soon she was downstairs, ready to go.


I was living my best life, enjoying my sun, feeling my skin getting hotter each minute, and that vanished when I felt a cold weight on me

'Get off Joey, you're cold!' He laughed and as I got up, he fell into the sand.

'Come to the water with us, it's really nice and you look like a burnt toast' I knew he was exaggerating, but actually it sounded nice. I took my sunglasses off and put them in my bag. We were getting close to the water when I felt my feet leave the ground.

'I am going to kill you Joel! Let me go!' He ran to where the others were

'Are you sure you want me to let you go?'

' Yes you asshole' I know I am very aggressive, but he obeyed me, and next thing I'm under water, lucky of him I know how to swim, but I decided to pull a prank on him, I pretended to be passed out and floating, I could hear the splashing of water and someone turning me around, but I gave in and started to laugh when I saw Joel's face.

'Asshole, you scared the shit out of me' He let go a breath and I started to swim next to Liv.


I was on Richard's shoulders as Liv was on Chris's shoulders and we were trying to push each other down, but Chris cheated and started to tickle Richard, which caused on him letting me fall.

'That wasn't fair' Richard was angry, like angry angry, but I just laughed and just started to swim away. I was reaching my towel when I noticed Zabdiel and Joel laying, and it was inevitable of me not to splash the remains of water on them.

'Hey, watch out' Of course Zabdiel the mad princess had to protest

'I'm sorry princess, did I got you wet?' It was on purpose, I loved giving double sense to things when it came to him, and as I arched an eyebrow, he maintained his face blank, but I know he wanted to laugh.

'Stop flirting with each other and fuck already, it's annoying' Joel said as he dried himself with a spare towel. I felt my face burning, and I knew it wasn't for the sun, my only reaction was to pretend to not listen and I sat in my towel.


I opened my bedroom door and threw my dirty clothes into the hamper and went downstairs to join my friends that were in the living room watching a movie, irony was that the only spare seat, was next to Zabdiel, I looked and saw Joel laugh, that little fucker.

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