Chapter 20

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'She had amnesia due to the blood clot. We were expecting this, but the chances of happening were very small, and we didn't want to concern you' the doctor said and as he talked I was pacing around the corridor. Bella's parents were inside and the doctor was talking with Alec.

'Well, you should have concerned us and prepared us for this' I exploded and walked a way with my feelings coming to surface and rushed outside the building.

I sat in by the wall and leaned by head behind, having a clear vision of Olivia coming my way.

'You have to be patient you know, it will take time, but you have to make the effort o-'

'You're only saying that because she remembers you. She doesn't remember me Olivia, she doesn't remember what we had, she doesn't remember the way she made me feel. It's easy for you and for Joel, she knows who you are, but the rest of us will have to fight for what we had with her all over again' at this point I had more than one emotion in me, and after I said all of that, I felt bad for Olivia.

'I understand that your pissed off right now, but if you want to make her fall for you again, or even to be just friends, you'll have to gain her trust, do things differently and create new memories with her. The doctor said that she eventually might remember things, or maybe not, only time will tell. She's scared just like the rest of us, this isn't easy for her as well' and as she said that she left me all alone. I guess she was right, and I was willing to do everything all over again and more if needed.



Bella was sitting in the wheelchair with her broken leg up, while she waited for Alec to fill everything up so she could leave and once her brother grabbed the wheelchair, she prayed for her life while he played with her.

'Could you please be more careful Alec, my leg is about to fall off my body!' The girl tried to keep a straight face, but hearing her brother's laugh didn't help much.

Arriving at their home, Bella felt a shiver down her spine, in her mind it has been not long since she moved out, but she knew that due to the accident she had amnesia, and what she remembered wasn't the same anymore.

With Alec and her mother's help, she managed to sit on her bed. Her mother left her room to go grab her something to eat, leaving Bella and Alec alone.

'Can you explain what happened please?' She had been avoiding this question for a while, since nobody told her the first time she asked.

'I don't know what led you to go, but you went for a drive and time passed by and you didn't came back, I thought you might had gone to grab something to eat, so I didn't bother, but the cops called here, one of them recognized you .... You don't remember anything Bella?'

'No Alec... I'm being honest, this is all so confusing,  the last thing I remember is unpacking my stuff at my new house in Miami with Olivia, that's all.' Bella's mind was a mess, she tried to recall something that might have led to the accident but nothing.

She was with her gaze fixed on the door across from her, and she felt something towards that, but she ignored the feeling.


'This is Chris, he's my boyfriend. This is Richard, Erick and Zabdiel' Olivia re-introduced the four boys to Bella and a faint smile appeared on her face.

'Can you guys describe what our relation was? It might help' all the boy nodded, including Zabdiel, but he was afraid of how he would explain it all to her.

'Well we all met in the same night and we started to hang out a lot more, you and me have always been close, like best friends close, we would always tell each other things and you would always come to me for advice and lowkey that pissed off Joel because he was in the room across from yours and he expected you to go to him for advice' The red haired spoke, laughing at his own comment in the end and receiving an eye roll from Joel, who knew was true what he said.

'You're Richard Right?' He nodded and she smiled at him and looked for the rest of the boys for the next one.

'Hi, I'm Erick' Bella didn't knew why, but she laughed instantly at the sound of his voice and the way he said his name and a warm feeling came up to her, making her feel nice. 'We had the kind of younger brother/older sister relationship. You would always protect me from these monsters. I really look up to you. ' Bella could feel a type of way towards Erick, like he had described, the kind of feeling you have towards a sibling.

'You and I, we were always fighting. Either it was for Olivia or for Za-' Christopher stopped what he was about to say, which made Bella furrow her brows. 'We didn't always agreed with each other, but we were always messing around in a playful way. I loved getting in your nerves and I guess you liked to do the same with me.'

All she could do was give him a smile and looked to the last one of them.

'I....I'm Zabdiel' he didn't know ho to express himself, without feeling like he was saying too much or without scaring her. 'We were really, really close, at first we would always tease each other, I guess we liked the rush of it.' Zabdiel looked over to her and saw her serene face looking back at him. He never saw her this chill, maybe because she woke up like an hour ago. He looked away from her, and looked at Alec for reassurance, receiving a nod from the older boy. 'We used to date, but I had to go to California due to work and we broke up' He felt like he had a lot more to say, but his words were trapped in his throat.

Bella was looking at him with a different look. For sure she thought he was cute and she would be lying if she said she didn't, but something deep down told her that something wasn't right and as he spoke, she felt a tiny ache in her heart, but once again, she ignored those signs.


The boys had left, well except Chris who was with Alec, while Olivia and Bella were talking.

'I just wish I knew hat led me to go out' Bella was still sitting in her bed and she was tired of it. She hated being in this position and maybe that's a reason for her cranky mood.

'Eventually you'll remember, just hold on, but for now, just enjoy the memories you're about to make'

'What if I don't like them? What if I don't like the boys?'

'Bella, if you didn't like them already, you wouldn't be concerned about it.' Olivia felt cold by the time. It was night already and Olivia's parents lived near the beach 'Can I grab one of your sweaters?' Bella just nodded as Olivia got up and walked to the closet. As she opened the door, Olivia saw a box with picture on the floor and she recognized those pictures and it hitted her. This must be the reason why Bella went for a drive.


Hello my loves!!

Here's another chapter, this one is more of a filler, but you can understand what's about to happen!!

I hope you liked it and don'tforget to Vote and Comment!!



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