Chapter 8

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Today's Zabdiel's birthday, and we're throwing him a surprise party with his closest friends, that being the seven of us and his mother. That was the hardest part, talking to his mother and inviting her without being able to introduce myself as his girlfriend, if that's even what I am. But I managed to talk to her and to be honest, I thought it would be a lot harder. My task for this was to stall Zabdiel while they set everything up


I was waiting for Zabdiel to pick me up. We leave works around the same time, eventhough he leaves his earlier, the ride he has to pick me up gives enough time for me to get ready and out of there, but today he took a while on coming, but eventually he did.

'Hey babe, how was you day?' I said as I closed the door and gave him a kiss on his cheek once I finish put the seatbelt on.

'It was normal, I tried to avoid any sign that it was my birthday' Zabdiel is that kind of person that doesn't hate his birthday, but doesn't make a big deal out of it, unlike me that prepares a small gathering three months before the big day. I smiled at him once he finished his statement and put my hand over his.

'Can we go to walmart? I need to pick up some groceries' He nodded his head and turned left to go to walmart. Let the stall game begin.


'Bella, do you actually need this?' He said as he pick up a blanket with little llamas in it

'Never, ever in your life ask me if I need anything with llamas in it, don't you ever dare' I was being serious now, don't mess with me and my llamas. Zabdiel just put the blanket back in the cart and put his hands up in surrender like the good boy he is. I went to the cereal section, when I recieved a message from Olivia that said that everything was ready and that his mother had arrived. I grabbed a box of my favourite cereal and went next to Zabdiel, who was looking at some frozen pizzas.

'Let's go?' He turned to me with a very suspicious look while grabbing two boxes of pizzas and putting them in the cart.


We have arrived my house and I was searching for my keys, and for a moment I panicked because I thought I left them inside, but good thing they were here. I opened the door and, cliche of cliches, everyone jumped saying happy birthday, while the Avatar next to me stood there with tears in his eyes, while looking at his mother. He haven't seen her in ages, since he got the intership he hasn't been able to go home and it broke my heart everytime he spoke to his mother through the phone, and not be able to see her or hug her.

'Happy Birthday my baby boy' she said while she hugged him tightly as she could. Once they parted their hug, she looked at me, and boy did I froze for a sec.

'You must be Bellatrix, thank you so much for the invitation' Oh god, I forgot how to speak, I never met a boyfriend's mother. She came next to me and gave me a hug, which I replied to.' Zabdiel talks a lot about you, and you're prettier than he had described ' It was inevitable not to blush, and I looked over to Zabdiel who was a bit embarrassed as well.


The small party we had was over now, his mother said that she preferred go to an hotel and give us a bit of privacy, even though Zabdiel offered his apartment, she said that she had it already settled. Richard and Erick had gone to their houses and Chris and Olivia had gone to his apartment and Joel went out with his mystery girl again, he has been keepin her a secret for the last couple weeks, but soon he'll introduce her to us, I guess he's just a bit afraid that things don't go right and he's afraid that we ( it pronounces Joel) will get too attached to her.

Me and Zabdiel were laying in my bed, just cuddling and making out. I know it is his birthday and I suggested for us to go out and maybe go to a club, but he refused and said that he rather be home with me, not gonna lie and say that I melted at that, because I did.

I had my eyes closed and I was relaxing as Zabdiel's hand roamed the side of my body. I let out an irregular breath as I felt Zabdiel's lips on my neck. I felt his smirk on my skin and he heard the affect he had on me. He moved his lips from my neck to my lips, giving me a kiss, different from what he always shared, I could feel that this one was filled with lust and desire, and I for sure knew where did was leading to.

I am done being in this position, so I rolled over and I was now laying on top of him, while I grinded myself on him, receiving small moans from him, as his hand gripped my hips with a bit of strength, pressing me onto him, making my movements gain a lot more friction.

The only thing between us, was our underwear, and the tension that we had been accumulating, was now heavier than ever.

'You sure you want this?' He asked me for the third time by now, and all I could do was smirk at him.

'If you don't do nothing about it right now, I will' I swelled dry, not gonna lie, eventhough I didn't want to show, I was nervous. Me and Zabdiel had done other things, but never actual sex, he always respected the fact that I was really nervous or something would always interfere, but not now, I cant take this anymore.

My eyes closed so tightly as if the pain would go way by doing that. I swear to god that his fingers are nothing compared to his dick.

'Fuck!' it was the only thing I was able to say right now.


I don't know how to feel about this chapter 😳

But there you go my loves, another one!!!

Hope your safe and good and that everything's good with you!!

Love you all ❤

-SavingR ❤

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