Chapter 6

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I was taking an order when the doorbell rang, but I brushed it off since Rachel and Genevieve were here today. I went to the kitchen and laid the paper order in the magnet board and went to the front and started to get some things done.

'Bella, the people in table 7 asked for' I raised my eyebrow as Rachel shrugged her shoulders, I left the wipe on the counter and took my notepad and pen with me and when I realized I saw a very happy Zabdiel, Richard and Erick.

'Hey guys, what are you doing here?' I smiled at them, but when I laid eyes on Zabdiel I tried not to melt right there.

'We came here to eat, don't think it's because of you' Zabdiel said with the blankest face he could pull off.

'You fucking liar, you've been all day talking about her and how bad you enjoyed your date last night and how you wanted to see her again!' Richard said in a funny way which made me laugh

'Nothing but the truth was said from my dear friend Richard my dear Bella' Erick added his statement in order to attack Zabdiel, it was funny to watch how he got red by the minute.

'Shut up, assholes' Zabdiel defended himself and looked at me 'So, back to the eating part, I want one burger, fries, one chicken wrap and a coke please' Damn the boy was hungry.

'Someone's hungry' As I said that both Richard and Erick laughed, which made Zabdiel getting red. How I love giving double meaning to things that I know that would affect him. They stopped laughing and Erick started to make his order.

'I want a chicken burger, 10 chicken nuggets, fries and a Iced tea please' Erick said adding his cute little smile and winking his eye at me, which caused Zabdiel to slap the back of his head.

'I'll have a burger without tomato, fries, a coke and I'll go with the 10 chicken nuggets too' I took note of everything and turned to them smiling

'Anything else to eat?'

'I think Zabdiel would like you too' Erick said looking at Zabdiel looking at me. I felt my face getting hotter and I just laughed at his comment

'I'm at work you stupid, watch your mouth.' I laugh and went to the kitchen to get their order prepared.

I was carrying their treys with Genevieve's help and when we got to their table, Erick couldn't take his eyes off her. I was about to leave when a hand wrapped around my wrist pulling me back.

'At time do you leave?' I looked into Zabdiel's eyes and I got lost for a bit 'Bella?'

'Oh, sorry, I leave at 5 pm' He simply nodded and smiled at me.

I grabbed my stuff and left the "locker" room and said goodbye to Rachel and Genevieve. When I opened the door, I saw Zabdiel standing there. 'What are you doing here?' I smiled at him and she began to move my way.

'Picking you up' I wasn't costumed to receive so much affection from someone, even if it's only for three days. Zabdiel is really sweet and caring and I like this side of him more than I thought I would like. We were in his car, holding hands and talking about our day and how he was about to start his internship next week, I'm really proud of how he is getting this to work out for him. We reached to my front door and I took out my keys and opened the door for us.

'Olivia! Joel!' I screamed and waited a bit to see if there was anyone at home, then I heard one door open and saw Olivia running down the stairs

'What happened?' Okay, I might have exaggerated with the scream

'Nothing I just wanted to see who was at home, I'm making dinner, what do you want?' I asked her, at this point Zabdiel was already in the sofa watching tv.

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