Chapter 12

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I was still shook with the fact that Zabdiel was here, he said that he wouldn't leave California until Christmas, even if he managed to spend his birthday with his friends was too much. I then noticed that he was accompanied with a girl and I remembered that I'm at work.

'I wasn't expecting to see you around, but anyways, what will be your orders?' I noticed that he wanted to say something, but me talking and asking what they wanted, made him back up.

□ □ □

It was a long long day at work and all I wanted to do was take a bath and lay in my bed. As I walked inside I could hear giggles, and I praised for it not to be Zabdiel and his girlfriend.

'Hi again' The Blonde girl said in a nice tone and I didnt want to be rude, so I shooted her a smile. Zabdiel had his back still turned to the door, not even bothering to say Hi to me.

'Well, If you need anything I'll be upstairs ' I said looking at Joel and Erick, while the girl just nodded.

□ □ □

I heard three knock on my door and it opened after a couple seconds, revealing a very upset Olivia.

'It feels like I haven't seen you in ages' I said as she sat on my bed

'Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was a bad friend for not being with you when you needed me the most'

'I understand that you want to be with Chris, it's totally normal, and besides Richard as been a very good company' I knew that if I mentioned him, she would make those nasty comments she always does, but this time she didn't.

'So, you and Richard, hum? Tell me about it'

'I thought that I was developing feelings over him, but I guess I was just needy and when he kissed me, I felt happy because that made me realise that all the feelings I have towards him, are completely platonic'

'Are you saying that because you mean it, or because Zabdiel's back?' I ignored he question and just got up from my bed

□ □ □

Today's my birthday a d the only thing I can remember is how and with whom I spend it last year, but I brushed it off, since it didn't matter now.

After Olivia and the guys convinced me all day to go out and have fun, I agreed with them and now I was in my room, getting ready.

I had a black pair of jeans and an orange/yellow top with a lot of cleavage, picked out by the one and only Olivia Pimentel.

We managed to get insed the club and I was in line to put my jacket away when my phone buzzed as a signal of a message.

Happy birthday Bella, I hope everything's good with you.

I locked my phone a d put it in my back pocket. He didn't reply to any of my texts, I mean we broke up but we never said to not talk anymore, and he ignored me for months and now decided to talk to me?

I was squeezing myself through the crowd to get to where the others where, when I bumped into someone and heard him complaining

'Fuck, this was my favorite shirt' I looked at the shirt and I just laughed, it was a shirt with little Santas a d reindeers in it, but I put my serious face now and looked up to the guy and damn, he was cute.

'I'm so sorry, I'll buy you a new shirt and a drink, I'm really sorry' The shirt might be funny, but I was panicking because the guy looked like a freaking giant and I was afraid he would make me fly by just laying a finger on me.

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