Chapter 15

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Am I overreacting over the fact that my ex is going to get married? Maybe, but I was really... not okay with it, but there's nothing I can do abou it. Meanwhile things between me and Diego have been feeling different, I couldn't keep doing this to him, being with him while feeling things for another guy, I'vestarted to feel really bad about it, because I just couldn't give him the love he deserves.

So here we are, sitting in my bed, as I tried to explain myself to him...

'I like you, I really do Diego, but I just can't keep doing this to you. Being with you and not being able to correspond to the expectations you have' I'm feeling guilty about all of this, I shouldn't have let this reach this point.

'I've always knew you liked him, the way you spoke his name and last month at Erick's, I saw the way you broke by knowing he was engaged. I guess I always knew you loved him, but I just ignored it'

'I'm really sorry for doing this to you, I really thought I could forget him and that I could see you the same way you see me.'

'It breaks me to know that, but I understand Bella ' It really broke my heart to do this, but I need to be alone and I couldn't keep up with this game....


'I'm so sorry Javier, I really enjoyed working here. I'm going to miss everyone' It was my last day at the diner, yes, after three years, I'm quitting my job. I've decided to move back to my parent's, my father said that I could work with them at the office and  honestly I think it is a great idea and I really need to leave this place and start over.


' I'm going to miss you like crazy bella' I heard richard saying that while he squeezed me in his arms

'I'll visit everytime I can, I promise' We parted our hug and I went to hug the last one of them, Olivia.

'I've been preparing myself for a month and I still can't believe you're going back to your parents house after all these years'

'I need to get out of here and me and my parents are way better now and they were really happy for me to move in again, and I want to spend time with my mother as much as I can' My mother has been doing good with her treatments, but I want to enjoy every single minute befor I regret it.

'I'm going to miss you Be, so so much' We hold each other as tight as ever, not wanting to let go, until I heard my brother waiting impatiently at the car

'I'm going to miss you too Vi, I'm going to miss you all, and please, go over whenever you want, I'll be there waiting' We gave a group hug and that was it.

This was the end.


My alarm rang and I groaned opening my eyes, seeing my old/ new room.

'Bella wake your ass up or dad will be pissed off' I heard as Alec slammed on my door and I rolled out of bed, going into my bathroom to take a shower.

' Finally, let's go'me and Alec got inside the car and went to the office. It was my first day and for now I'll be working as Alec's assistant, just hope the pendejo won't make me his slave just for fun.


I was chilling by the pool,when I heard my phone ringing,  I picked it up and saw Olivia's name.

Heyyyyy Be!

Hey livy, what's up?

I was wondering....would it be okay if me, joel and chris went by your house? We're here in-


Alright, then open the freaking door because I'm done ringing the freaking bell

The way I got up and ran to the front door was unbelievable. I opened the door and hugged my three friends that stood there impatiently.


'Its been weird not having you around everyday' Olivia said that as she sung her legs on the water and looking over to her boyfriend doing childish things in the pool with Joel

'Yeah, I feel a bit awkward too, not having you guys around all the time, but it's been really good for me. I've taken a break from boys and it feels really good you know'

'Zabdiel asked for the other day'

'How is he doing?' I looked at her at the same time she looked at me

'He's been doing great. He finally got his company to move him back to Miami'

'That's nice' It still felt awkward bringing him up. I know it's weird that I'm reacting this way, but the feelings I had towards him were really strong, I never felt this way about any boy I ever dated, ever.


'I'm not your fucking maid, go get your coffee you lazy ass' I said to my brother as I left the kitchen ' I work for you at the office, not at home, idiot' and still mumbled somethings while going up to my room and closed the door behind me.

I glanced over my closet and reminded myself that I needed to clean and organize it, and since I had plenty of time now I started to do that.

As I was folding clothes and putting the dirty ones in a pile to wash, when I saw a box. I forgot I had it. I reached for it and opened it, why do I have to be that kind of girl that keeps everything?

The polaroid pictures we took of each other, the one that Erick took that one time we fell asleep on his bed while we were all hanging at his house, that one is probably my favourite, I never got tired of saying that I loved the way we were fast asleep in each others arms.

There was a party bracelet, the one we went on my birthday when we first got intimate. Boy the memories started to kick in and I just realized that I was crying while I looked at all of the pictures. And one of his guitar pick's, and memories of him singing and playin to me started to kick in and I cried even more. I need to go to get fresh air, so I got up and I picked my car keys, yes, I finally have a car of my own, and went downstairs.

' I'm going out, be right back' I said as I passed the living room where Alec was.

The air was getting in through the open windows, music was playing and I felt a lot more clamed. This was I was needing right now, the fresh air and the vibes I was getting. Everything was fine now, until all I heard was the sound of tires and a loud bang.... and everything went black.



My god I can't wait to write the next chapters and prepare yourselves with some tissues, cuz things are getting heavier 😭😭

Pls be honest and give me your feedback on this chapter ( sorry for being this much needy tho 😐)

Thanks for the support baby girls!!!

Love you all ❤❤

-SavingR ❤❤❤

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