Chapter 10

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The more the days passed, the less me and Zabdiel talked. He was so caught up in his new job and full with work that he barely got time to thing about what time it was. We went from facetiming everyday, to facetiming once a week and text twice a day. I missed him like crazy and I really needed him by my side, it's been two months since he left and with all of our friends were caught up with their jobs and school, it made me feel kind of lonely. Olivia spent most of her time at Chris' because it was closer to campus and I perfectly understand that, I would do the same. Joel and his mystery girl had broken up, he was right on not wanting us to meet her and Richard and Erick spent most of their free time here, which was like 4 hours per week.

I was really really on the verge of a mental breakdown, when the most awkward and unbelievable thing happened. My brother was calling me.

Hi Bella, is everything okay with you?

Hi Alec, yes, everything's fine here, and with you?

This had to be the most awkward conversation we ever had

Everything's fine here too, well kind off, but that's not the reason I called you. Bella, I've been talking to mom and dad and they...

Nop, forget about it

Just listen to me for god's sake. They want to reconnect with you Bella. They miss you....

It's been four years Alec, four goddamn years. They never asked if I was okay, never asked if I had food, clothes or even a fucking roof and bed to sleep in. They never send me a message or call on my birthday, and that fucking hurt, all of that because of me refusing to go to college? And now you're saying they want to reconnect? was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors say she has a big chance of making it, but lately she's been missing you and she's just regretting all of the pain she caused.

I felt like my world had fallen. For as much as I'm mad at them. They're still my parents, and something inside me woke up and made me realise that

I'm so sorry Alec. I'll think about it and once I get a day off, I'll go to you guys.

We'll discuss it then. Take care Bella, I love you

I love you too Alec.

My heart was clenching so much, and all I wanted right now, is for her to be okay and that she'll get through this.


I woke up with a door being slammed, not too loud, but enough to wake me up. How did I even fell asleep?

I got up from bed and decided to take a shower, I stink.


'All we're saying is that you should surprise him, go there and spend some time together, I bet if you make a deal with Javier, that hell let you go for a week or two' Richard spoke softly and at the end took a bite of his pizza. This was the first time in months that we were all together, I mean, not all, ut you got it.

'I'm afraid. What if I get there and nothing changes and I only see him once a day, or worst what if I find him wi' I couldn't even finish my sentence

'Woooow, do you really think Zabdiel would be capable of cheating on you? On you Bella? I've known him for four years, and I never saw him, being himself and happy, the way he is when he's with you' Chris spoke with his mouth still a bit full, I hated that, but I couldn't do a thing about it. Besides that, the fact that they're all saying that I probably should go to Cali is making me want to go.

'I'll guess I'll search for flights then ' I saw as they all just cheered in their own ways and we continued to eat our pizza.


Please pick up, please pick up. Please pick up.

I told Zabdiel that I wanted to go to Cali and boy he was excited as a kid on Christmas , but I never got to tell him when I would go, and now I regretted it.

I was trying to call him. But he haven't picked his phone up, but it took two rings for him to do that now.

Hey babe. How are you?

Hi. Wel...would you be mad if I told you that I'm at the airport and I need a ride back to your place?

You're kidding me? I'll be there in like forty minutes, don't move!

The phone call ended and all I could do was laugh to myself, realising that even after four months without seeing him, I still felt the exact same way, just by hearing his voice.


I was waiting outside, where you're supposed to pick someone up. I was waiting and this was killing me, how would I react to see him, to feel him or to smell him?

My thoughts were eating me from the inside out, when I felt a pair of very familiar hands grabbing me and turning me around. I couldn't help but cry while I looked at him, realising how much I've missed him.

'I missed you so fuking much' after he said it, he kissed me, and when I say I could melt I'm not lying. I missed every inch of him, and I couldn't believe I was here right now.

'I've missed you too' I hugged him and his scent runned through my nose.

Now this felt like home to me.


This was just a filler, but this is affecting me, like I'm the one in this relationship and this is not healthy 😂

Finally Bella and Zabdiel are together and I just want them to enjoy every second together, because that's what I would do if I could spend time with that boy 👀👀

Any questions or concerns you have, just comment them and I'll try to help 😊

Hope your enjoying and don't forget to vote and comment, LOVE YOUUU ❤

-SavingR ❤

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