Chapter 11

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It's been a month since me and Zabdiel were together, we tried to enjoy those few days we had to be with each other in every way possible, but his work kept him busy most of the time.

Lately I feel like we're drifting apart,we spoke more regularly on the first two weeks, but now we barely even text, and for as much as I love him and I want to be with him, this is no kind of relationship to me. So here I am, sitting in my balcony as I try not to cry while talking to him.

Do you really want this Bella?

I don't, but I don't want to have and feel the way I've been the past couple weeks. It breaks my heart not to be around you, but it kills me to know that we barely talk now.

Yeah, I've been feeling the same way...

He didn't said anything more, and I was trying so hard to hold my cry, but once he spoke I broke down in tears, feeling like my heart was being ripped out of my chest and thrown out of the window.

So, since you agree, I guess it's better for us to break up.

I couldn't say anything more, right now I only knew how to cry and without thinking twice I ended the phone call. I loved him with every living cell inside me, but this wasn't working, and deep down I knew this was for better.


I was at the diner, it was empty thank god, because lately I've been thinking more about how is Zabdiel doing than actually working, and I knew this was bad for me.

I heard the door being open and saw Richard getting in, and I smiled at the sight of him.

'Hey shawty, what up?' He sat in a stool on the counter with is hands fold and he looked at me directly in the eyes.

'You know, sometimes you scare me when you look at me like that. Do you want coffee?' He nodded his head and I poured him a cup. When I say the diner was empty, I really meant it, it was only me, Rachel and Javier here today. Rachel was cleaning the kitchen and Javier had to run some errands, and I was in charge to clean the counter and out here, but it can wait for now.

'How you doing?' He asked as he looked deep in my eyes, searching for any lie that I could possibly tell him. Out of the four of the guys, Richard was the one that could read me like an open book, he always knew what to say or how I felt and that was one of the many things I liked about him.

'Just trying to get used to this, but it's hard you know' I sighed and turned around to get myself a cup of coffee.'I know this eventually will heal' I took a sip from my coffee, supporting myself with my elbows on the counter 'Have you talked to him?'

'Yeah, he's been feeling really bad, but I think that he's so caught up in work that he doesn't have time to feel it all at once' this broke my heart a bit, I wish I could be like that to be honest.


We're in september now and I can say that things are going really good now. Me and Richard have been getting close. I think that I might be catching feelings, but since he's one of Zabdiel's best friends I'm really afraid that it would ruin their friendship.

I'm at my two weeks vacation and I'm enjoying myself to the last bit of it. Me and Olivia had gone to the beach pretty much everyday since my vacation started, but right now we're just cooking lunch for both of us.

'I think you should see this' I heard olivia speak and I turned to her, grabbing her phone.

I felt like my heart broke into pieces and a stone replace it, making my chest feel heavier. It was a picture of Zabdiel with a girl and by the description I supposed it's his girlfriend.

'I'm really sorry Bella ' I could see a mix of sorrow and worry in her eyes and all I could do was give a light smile.

'Its fine. I'm happy he found someone....' I turned to my cooking again, not mentioning the matter and trying to get my mind off of it.


We were all in our house watching a movie, it felt like ages since we've all been in the same space.

I was sitting next to Richard and suddenly I felt his arm sneaking around my shoulders

'Smooth much?' I said and all I received from him was a smirk and a kiss in my temple.

After a while everyone went to their houses, even Olivia went to Chris's house, making me, Joel and Richard the only ones here.

'Alright, I'm going to bed. Goodbye love birds' He said as he went upstairs. Why does he have to be like this?

'This is my cue to go, you'll be fine?' I walked with him to the door and he asked as he opened it.

'I will, no need to worry' he was outside now and I was leaning on the door, he got closer to me and his thumb brushed against my cheek and before I could even blink, he kissed me.

'Goodnight Bella' I was still lost from all of this, but I still managed to smile at him before he left.


My alarm sounded like the third time today and this was my "you're going to get fired" alarm, so I really need to get up and rush my ass to the diner.

I was putting my apron on and grabbed my notebook and pen and went to the front.

'Hey Bella, could you go take the orders from the table 4?' Genevieve said as she looked at me with puppy eyes and I just nodded and went there.

'Good morning, can I take your orders?' I was looking at my notebook, I was still with my sleepy face, so I don't want to scare the clients away.

'Bella...' That voice, that fucking voice. I looked up and there he was. He looked different, he had his hair shaved, not blond anymore and his sharp features were now disguised due to the fact that he had his natural hair color. How I missed looking at him.



Someone stop me please because I feel over inspired today and I feel like writing the whole book in just one afternoon 🥵

This chapter made me feel everything and I freaking cried in the first part, like why am I crying when I know what's about to happen? 🤦‍♀️


I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and comment, I really like to know who you feel about it 😊 ( just my curious ass being extra curious 👀)

Love you guys and stay safe ❤❤

-SavingR ❤

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