Chapter 21

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It's October, and for as weird as it feels, it's kind of cold today. Olivia still haven't told Bella about the pictures, she had discussed that matter with her family and they all thought it was better if Bella found them by herself.

The Youngest of the Ortega family had gone back to working with her father and brother, and slowly she started to remember what she used to do there.

The group of friends that still lived in Miami, always went to Bella's for the weekend, and slowly she began to build memories with each one of them.

Zabdiel was hurt that the love of his life still didn't remember the love they used to feel, but he was glad to built new memories with her and being close with her again.


'I think that you should go to Miami for the weekend,  you might remember something while you're there' Bella's mother spoke softly to her, while brushing her thumb over her daughter's hand.

'I've been thinking of it too, but I'm afraid I don't remember anything or that everything comes to me all at once and I won't be able to deal with those emotions' Bella's dramatic side was taking over her day by day everytime they mentioned her gaining her memories back, it was 50% of chance of her getting them back, but she was holding on to the other 50%.


The car had stopped and she looked to the boy in the driver's seat, who was already looking at her.

' This was where we used to live. You and livy came here first and I moved in one year or so after ' It was easy to see that Joel was nervous, both of them were to be honest.

As they walked inside, Bella started to feel the smell of food being cooked, she could point the finger to what it was, it was the smell of cookies.

' C'mon, I'll show you your old room' She walked behind the boy and glanced over to the kitchen, to her surprise nobody was there.

Joel was standing in front of the last door on the corridor and as Bella approached him, he opened the door.
There was a bed in there, and a mattress leaning on the wall beside it

' You asked me to keep this here until you  find a house for yourself' bella walked into the room and a weird, but good, smell hit her nose.

She looked around the room that was once hers and she put her bags down and turned to Joel.

' Thank Joey, for letting me stay the weekend ' she smiled at the boy that was in at the door

'You're always welcomed back in Bella, I hope you know that.' With that being said the boy left her all alone.


This was probably the first day that Bella felt truly happy and good, since she left the hospital. They were having a diner at Joel's house, and they were all talking, but Bella just stood there looking at her friends and a flash back came to her mind

Look who's up, how was the nap lovebugs?' Chris teased and Bella threw an apple at him and it hit his shoulder, making him groan 'So, are we going out today? Please?' He asked all of them.

'I'm in' Bella said and they all shooted their eyes at her, the one who never wanted to go out.

' This is a miracle; we must go before she says no' Erick said in a funny tone which made Bella and the others laugh. Zabdiel's laugh was heard and she looked his way, making eye contact, but she looked away as fast as she could and sitting on the counter.

A gasp interrupted the conversation the rest of the group was having, they all turned their eyes to girl who was now crying, she remembered something, she finally remembered something.

' You're okay be?' Olivia asked as she got up and went next to her best friend.

Bella looked to Olivia with her eyes filled with tears

'I remember.... I remembered us being in this very kitchen, like we are now' Nobody said a word, they were shock, but they were all relieved that, at least, she revived one memory.

Bella looked at all of her friends faces, hoping to have any other memories, but once she stopped on the boy sitting next to Erick, a smile appeared on her face.



It feels like I haven't updated in years, I'm so sorry about that tho !!



This book is 4 chapters away from  ending and I'm feeling really sad now 😭

But I hope you like it and don't forget ot vote and comment!!!

I've uploaded my recent work "Glad you came" it's a Manuel Turizo story, and if you want to check it out, I would be eternally glad for it!!!



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