From Rehab to Planning the Downfall of the Enemy

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Ashley was sitting in the sofa of the rehab center I don't of the doctor who was explaining to him that he was going to take pills and that he needed to take a break from everyone. "Isolation is the best part for you to heal I'm going to call your brother to take you out to the nature into the woods with no one else to talk to just you and the nature." The doctor said as she wrote it down in the notes. She made Ashley wait outside her office while she spoke on the phone with Alexander. Ashley kept throwing the stress ball up and down entertaining himself while the doctor talked. Alexander took Brookelle to her house and told her to wait there. He drove to the rehab center to where Ashley was admitted. "I came to see doctor Schwartz regarding my brother." Alexander's said to the receptionist. "Name please." The receptionist asked while writing on the name tag she was preparing. "Alexander Morgenstren." Alexander said as he looked at the receptionist. "Alright put on the visitor name tag then go down that hall way (she pointed to the hallway after the door next to the reception) and then to the left to the third door on the right, right before the waiting room where they keep the patients busy before visiting their doctors." The receptionist said with boredom on her voice. Alexander nodded and place the name tag on his shirt as he walked down the hallway once he was allowed in. He walked to where he was told till he stopped at the door where the name of the doctor displayed. Alexander gently knocked on the door and waited for the doctor to open the door. He looked around to see Ashley playing with a ball while sitting down. He was about to walk towards his brother when the psychiatrist opened the door. "Mr. Morgenstren please come in." The doctor greeted. "Doctor Schwartz you called me regarding my brother?" Alexander asked unsure. "Yes your brother has been recuperating after a while what I think is that he needs to be away from other people for awhile perhaps a vacation in the forest would do him good." The doctor suggested. "No contact with anyone not even family?" Alexander asked getting confused. "Unfortunately that would be the case not even Internet, phone, friends, and family." The doctor explained while Alexander thought of it. "Can the phone be like a home phone also you didn't omit the tv." Alexander mentioned. "It will be a source of entertainment at least and yes it can be an old phone just Incase there's an emergency." The doctor clarified. "Can I ask a question?" Alexander asked. The doctor nodded as she handed Alexander the paper with the prescription of pills Ashley was taking. "Why does he need to isolate himself more if he's already isolated here. Also why are these type of pills prescribed for him?" Alexander asked as he looked at the prescription. "It's for the safety of our staff and his. He once tried biting our staff in multiple occasions." The doctor said fake smiling. Alexander cursed himself for not remembering that most people weren't accustomed to vampires or any type of those "fairytale characters". "So you're telling me these pills will have him weak enough so he won't attack anyone and be able to do harm to himself?" Alexander asked doubting it would work. "Yes also his hallucinations have stopped so we are just treating him for that violent behavior." The doctor said while reclining on her chair. "So can I take him now my family has a place just right for him to spend some time there." Alexander said while getting up. "Might consider keeping him long term there..." The doctor mumbled causing Alexander to glare. Alexander sighed as soon as he got out the doctors office and looked at Ashley who still was playing with his ball bored. "Please go to the reception area sir we will send you your brother with his belongings in a few minutes." The nurse said as she blocked his way on seeing Ashley. Ashley was put in a straight jacket and was directed to his room then the male nurse locked him up in his room. "Get your stuff your leaving." The male nurse said after releasing him through the door. Ashley grabbed his stuff and stuffed it in the bag they put on his bed. "I got all now what." Ashley said bored. "You know where to place it and stand the usual way." The male nurse instructed. "Alright fine." Ashley said as he put his stuff on the bin that was near the entrance where it opened to the other way to transport stuff in and out the rooms. The male nurse along with another nurse put the straight jacket on Ashley and wheeled him out towards the outside of the hospital. "Please make way towards discharge area outside sir." The receptionist told Alexander. Alexander walked towards the outside to where Ashley was going to be discharged. "Sir please bring your car here so we can place him there and take the jacket there." One of the nurse instructed as he gave him the bag. Alexander nodded and went to his truck and drove it to the drop off area. Ashley was wheeled out and was practically carried to the truck by the nurses. Once in the truck they took the straight jacket away and buckle him up. "He's all set have a safe trip sir." The nurse said once they settled Ashely on the back. Alexander nodded and drove away towards the cabin in the woods where he previously was with Brookelle. "You should've send me to prison it would've been a better place than that." Ashley said annoyed. "Hey did the visions stopped at least?" Alexander said focusing on the road. "Yes it seems those walls where preventing the witch do her magic on me." Ashley said while rubbing his head. "Well we need you to stay away from the band till we find a way to get rid of her." Alexander commented. "Then we need to get rid of Andy since we know he will never let her go." Ashley said annoyed as he placed his bracelets on. "Well you stay in the cabin relax also you won't have your phone and you can only call us if you need anything." Alexander said as he drove down the dirt road towards the cabin. "What why can't I have my phone?!" Ashley argued. "Because you'll post your location or even try to invite the guys over so no you'll only have a home phone and I'll leave you Brookelle's home phone number and my cellphone number just Incase you need anything." Alexander instructed. "But why?" Ashley asked confused. "Want to have those visions and hurt Brookelle under Juliet's control?" Alexander asked as he parked I front of the cabin. "Ugh good point I'll take this as a vacation and to plot against her only." Ashley said sighing as he unbuckled himself "You better or I'll use these pills that where prescribed." Alexander said as he waved the prescription. "Those things made me dumb so don't." Ashley warned as he got off the truck. Alexander got off and opened the door of the cabin. "Your stuff is mostly here in your room also here's your bag with your stuff let take the phone out." Alexander said as he took the phone while entering the cabin. "Food is in the fridge everything is stocked and the note for the phones is here on the fridge." Alexander signaled as he hid the phone on his jacket. "So what will I do while I'm here?" Ashley asked while looking around. "Watch tv hunt I don't know but no human contact what so ever except if your need me or Brookelle." Alexander said as he stared at Ashley. "Wait you found her can I see her?!" Ashley said excited. "No she's not herself right now she needs time for herself when there's time for our plotting she might come." Alexander said sternly. "What did you do to her?" Ashley said getting upset. "Nothing she stupidly teleported to Andy's house and saw him with Juliet so right now she's depressed." Alexander shrugged. "Alright is there some beer here at least?" Ashley asked while he looked at the fridge. "You know where they are at I'm heading out to take care of our sister." Alexander said as Ashley whispered, "The garage right." Alexander then drove to Brookelle's house to see how she was doing. Brookelle was sitting in her bed reading a book while she waited for her band mates to arrive. Alexander went up her room and saw her reading. "How are you?" Alexander asked. "More like how is Ashley?" Brookelle asked as closed the book and walked up to him. "He is fine for now the time he spent away helped him lose those hallucinations we need him to stay away from the band for now so he won't get manipulated by Juliet." Brookelle looked at Alexander then walked away and sat on her bed. "I can't see him till we think a plan right?" Brookelle asked. "How did..." Alexander was about to ask when Brookelle touched her head. "Why should I been tell you anything if your going to just read my mind." Alexander complained. "Whatever my band is coming just to talk to me I won't be going back to tour until we are back to normal also tour is almost done." Brookelle said as she opened the book. "Alright I'll be in my room if you need me." Alexander sighed as he left her reading. "Ugh How are we going to do this without getting endangered?" Alexander asked to himself as he entered his room trying to find a way to plan against the witch of Juliet. The band got there and the guys all spread out around in Brookelle's bed as she explained she wasn't going back to tour. "But we need you." Spikes complained. "I'm not feeling well I don't want the fans to be more disappointed." Brookelle said as she looked at the window. "We need to destroy the control of Juliet over Andy he has gotten to the point he attacked us by her orders." Andromeda informed. "We need to find out her weakness other than her sister." Lexi said thoughtful. "We also need to separate Janice from her it seems she's her back up." Aiden said as he tapped his chin. "The must be looking for the moonstones for the next blood moon to get more powerful." Cameron said while looking through a book. "Why would you think that?" Spikes asked. "Cause that's what her parents have been hiding from them." Cameron said as he showed everyone the book he brought. "I stole this book from your library it was on the chest your brothers opened." Cameron explained. "Who wrote that book?" Lexi asked. "I don't know it says someone named Lucian." Cameron said as he showed Brookelle. "I don't know who he is but Alexander and Ashley might know." Brookelle said trying to remember who was that person. "If we find that Lucian guy we can find out what connection he has with your parents and where the moonstones we located." Spikes said as he walked up to Cameron and Brookelle. "Does it even say where they are?" Andromeda asked. "I think so but the rest of this journal is in another language I can't decipher it." Cameron explained. "I can run an analysis on my computer." Mayra suggested. "No I know Ashley or Alexander know the language even Adoracion or Polita know bet you even Alfred since they know my parents and the Lucian guy." Brookelle said as  she looked at the book. "We will find those moonstones and their purpose that will give us some sort and advantage to take them out." Aiden said as he walked up to the group. "Hope we find it soon." Lexi said worried. "It's going to be a long research." Brookelle sighed as she looked at the group who groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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