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{ real life (Bella's POV) }

I was walking back to my place, coming back from Starbucks. It had been a good day so far, nothing happening just relaxing.

"Oh my God! You're Bella!" I turned at the sound of my name, seeing a girl about the age of 15. I smiled. "Hi!" I waved.

"Can I get a picture?" She asked sheepishly. "Yeah of course sweetheart." I said, I smiled, standing next to her while she took the selfie. A few more girls came, but nothing too crazy. "Noah could do better than you." One of the girls said.

I simply ignored her. "Everything about you is flat, except your stomach." She sneered. "If you're gonna ask for a picture, at least be nice." One girl shot back. I smiled, thankful for her.

"No seriously, she thinks she's all this and that because she took the internet's hottest guy." I took a deep breath, trying not to get too worked. "She's nothing special. She's literally not pretty. Ugly to say the least actually."

"Okay guys, I think I'm gonna head home now, thank you for all your support." I mumbled. No doubt in my mind did I feel stupid. I'm not gonna try and lie to myself saying that what that girl had said didn't hurt. I was just a girl with a boyfriend. Yeah we had a following on social media, but that's not an excuse to hate us. We haven't done anything. Once I got to the door of my house, tears were already forming.

"Hey bubs- what's wrong?" Kayla asked. "Nothing, don't worry." I have a fake smile, retreating to my room.

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