27: child for adoption.

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"Father." I called just as we were done eating our dinner. Just like he promised, he really did go his way and got another maid.

He looked up from under his white glasses as though expecting something educational from my lips. Sadly, he was getting the opposite.

"I want a sibling." I said and he simply looked away. "I'm serious!"

"I know you are." He simply said and I clenched my jaw at him.

"So what are your suggestions?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Where are the economic evidences that adopting a child would benefit us?"

"First and for most, I could get to enhance my communication skills as we will both learn separate languages together. Plus, you could get to invest in another child who will surely bring more financial benefits other than me who lecturers as a part-time job. Imagine creating two perfect human beings and one is adopted. You could get serious attention from the government and they might just promote your current status and you could be able to get your own university and have it built up in an instant." I explained and he stared at me for a moment.

I really didn't have to think on that one when I was certain all my dad wanted was to be acknowledged worldwide that he was the perfect teacher. Adding another child who is already grown to mold them into perfection will definitely get him hyped about it. After all, he's always hungry for a challenge beyond himself.

To add to that, I feel terribly sorry for the one who's going to be picked. They will suffer a series of torment from him to get them into perfection.

"Intriguing aspect you've constructed." He said as he rubbed his slightly bearded face. "I will send you a few forms and you will pick your liking, we will pick our own and in the end assess the best option amongst them all." He said and I glanced at my mother with a winning smile to which she grinned to.

"You see Riley, your daddy has a soft side." She cooed as she nagged his shoulder to which he clicked his tongue to.

"What happened to formalities?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Not in this house. Your child isn't your secretary." She objected to which he scoffed at.

"I'm perfecting her."

"Sure." She rolled her eyes and I bit my lower lip in excitement.

"So when are we searching!?" I asked when I couldn't hold my excitement only to receive a glare from him.

"Bag your excitement." He hissed as he stood up. "We will begin next week. I am busy this week."

"We can start without you." I said and he simply left. "Mum, that's a yes."

"I'm sure it is." She smiled as she stood up also. "Your father probably has pressure from work. I should help him release a bit of it. Don't stay up too late okay, hun?"

"Sure." I giggled and stood up from the table, rushing to my room in joy.

The next morning.

Right after Ash texted me to tell me there won't be any lessons that day, I decided it was best that I spent it looking for my sibling to adopt. I wanted it to be a girl, only because if it was a boy, they eventually grow up and have mixed feelings with me.

It happens in movies and there is a possibility those movies reflect actual living.

I'm not ready for drama if it doesn't have anything to do with Ash. Ash's drama is just too traumatizing for me.

There were a bunch of cute little girls, sadly, most of them were so young that I could rather talk to a brick wall.

I'm not saying they are bad, it's just that they couldn't listen to me and would hardly be communicative.

I didn't want twins either because I only wanted one. My father wouldn't want too much of a challenge.

Otherwise, I wouldn't care less of what they looked like, as long as they weren't so young and had another half.

Or other siblings.

I bit my lower lip as I dropped a few options into the folder I had created specially for the adoption options.

My door suddenly swung open, nearly shocking my skeleton out of my body only to frown when it was just Ash.

"I've been calling you." He thundered and I chuckled.

I noticed.

"I'm busy." I said as I turned back to my tablet and scrolled down to the other options.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he walked to me and sat just beside me, glancing down at the screen. "Are you trying to adopt a kid?"

"A sibling." I said as I scrolled a bit more. "I want a sibling."

"Why?" He asked as he snuggled beside me, wrapping his arm around mine.

I forgot about his clingy side.

"Because I want someone to talk to." I admitted and dropped a few more options into the folder.

"Besides me?" He whispered as he leaned into my ear, making me feel a blush rush up to my cheeks.

"Yes." I said honestly and he chuckled as he nibbled on my earlobe to which I flinched to and felt a knot in my stomach. "Stop it."

"Why are you only choosing girls? You don't like guys?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Having an adopted brother will make things uncomfortable for me if he's a teen." I said and he chuckled a bit.

"Okay." He smiled and planted a kiss on my bare shoulder. "I just came to see you." He whispered and I nodded slowly as looked through the unlimited options. "Didn't you want to see me?"

"Just my sibling." I said and he sighed as he leaned from me.

"You know, I really starting think you just enjoy hurting me." He said and I chuckled as I glanced at him in disbelief. "You hardly show your affection for me."

"I don't hurt you...." I smiled softly. "You make it seem like I'm evil."

"To me." He whined and I sighed out as I leaned in and kissed his cheek to which he grinned to. "That won't make up for it." I sighed even more but dropped my laptops to my laps and leaned in even more and planted my lips on his, getting him to chuckle into my mouth before I pulled from him, only to notice his bright smile was back. "Fine, you win. Anyway, I wasn't going to stay long. Call me if you need anything. I need to go hang out with a few football friends of mine." He said as he leaned in and kissed my forehead before heading out.

I smiled to myself and went back to surfing the net.

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