The Snake Men

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The Snake Men are a race of being who have an ancient rivalry with Kingdom of Eternia but it grew more when D'Vann Grayskull become king and gain a third enemy in the form of Horde Prime.

Founding Members

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Founding Members

King Hiss/ Hsss of the Viper House
The current leader of the Snake Men who is the archenemy of D'Vann Grayskull and his bloodline like Adam and Adora. He have the ability to turn his upper humanoid body into hydra-style snake heads. He overthrow his parents in hope to lead his people in a better future with them as rulers instead of Eternians.

Generl Rattlor/ Slltyo of the Rattlor House
A rattlesnake-type Snake Man, 2nd-in-command of his people, and older brother of Strettch Nek who is extremely loyal King Hiss. He have the ability stretch his neck and his rattling tail. He is the first Snake Men to be released and have a rivalry with Kobra Khan, he mostly fight Glimmer.

A Snake Man who serve as mechanical expert and an old friend of Hiss, he can master many technology like it's nothing. He have the ability to regrow his fangs when he used them as knifes. He prefers to outsmart his opponents using brains instead of brawns, he mostly fight Entrapta.

Snake Face/ Cyltho Ssstavvve
A Gorgon-type Snake Man who is more human-like in appearance and full of surprises. He have the ability to turn anyone he see his the snakes on his eyes, mouth, and hair to stone. He mostly hang around with Sssqueeze and care of his snakes, he mostly fight Mermista.

Sssqueeze/ Schisszz Shazzz
An anaconda-type Snake Man who started strongly have hands with snake heads. He have the ability to extend his snake-headed  arms to due his "Slither Hold" techniques. He mostly hang around with Snake Face and practice his "Slither Hold", he mostly fight Perfuma.

Tung Lashor/ Kasssher
A python-type Snake Men who is one of many who wasn't sealed, he banish himself when the rest of his kind surrender. He try to avenge his king by attacking Queen Veena but banish him to Etheria which in now in Desperado, thousands of years later he was discovered by the Horde as Hordak try to recruit him but he attack him due to resemblance of Horde Prime, he now live in The Crimson Wasteland which he met Catra and lost to her, luckily he escaped and survive. He have the ability to use his tongue as a whip weapon or extra limb. He crave to get revenge on Catra.

Megator/ Moleb The Demolisher
A giant who enslaved by Horde Prime during the three-way war, he was freed by King Hiss and show him gratitude by serving him to get revenge but was killed by King D'vann Grayskull and Tytus. He return and revived by the Snake Men to get his revenge on Tytus and serve as transport for them.

Former Members

Lord Gr'asp
The father of King Hiss and former leader of the Snake Men. He along with his wife never want to fight in a war with the Eternian for freedom and equality, so they accept to be low class citizens which anger their son. They were both killed  and overthrown by Hiss and Strettch Nek 

Lady Slither
The mother of King Hiss and former leader of the Snake Men. She along with her husband never want to fight in a war with the Eternian for freedom and equality, so they accept to be low class citizens which anger their son. They were both killed and overthrown by Hiss and Strettch Nek.

Camo Khan
The ancestor of Kobra Khan who along with a few other survive surrender to D'vann Grayskull but he spared them. Camo become the founder the evolution of the Snake Men to Reptons. However they the Reptons and Eternian are at peace, his descendant Kobra Khan hated this peace and desire to bring the Snake Men back.

Queen Strettch Nek
The wife of King Hiss, Queen of Snake Men, and sister of Rattlor who died long ago. She have been in Hiss side ever since they were young then happily got married, she agreed with him and overthrow Gr'asp and Slither. She laid an egg but sadly she was killed by Horde Prime during the three-way war with The Horde, The Snake Men, and D'Vann Grayskull.

New Members

Kobra Khan/ Khan of the Kobra Clan
A cobra-type Repton who is the descendant of Camo Khan and wise for the Snake Men to return. He have the ability to spit acidic venom from fangs. He was banish by the Reptons due to being loyal to the Snake Men way, he escaped from prison and team up with Skeletor during his glorious plan to take Eternia but Kobra plan is to release the Snake Men after Skeletor was defeated.

Prince Vypor
The son of King Hiss and Queen Strettch Nek, he is the adventurer who want to be like his father and show how great he is. He have the ability to transform into a large normal snake to surprise his victims. He hatched during the three-way war and grow up during the Snake Men imprisonment, he is now a young adult. He like to target Frosta due to being the weakest and smallest but always get his tail kick by her.

Quick Slick
A Repton who have strong humor as he enjoys teasing anyone he see, mostly playfully insulting them. He very skilled with a bow and arrow, being the greatest sharpshooter. He is a close friend of Kobra Khan and partner of Reptilax as he's unaware about his feelings for him, the two mostly fight Spinnerella and Netossa.

A Repton who have warrior spirit as he want to fight anyone he see, he love thrill and violences. He is skilled with a special battle axe which can fused with the elements to enhanced it. He is close friend of Kobra Khan and partner of Quick Slick as he's have feelings for him, the two mostly fight Spinnerella and Netossa.

A formless exile life form from Melodian who crash to Eternia, years later he was discovered by Skeletor and his Masters of Evil which he took a strange combination of the heroes and the evils. He have the ability to unleash a super sonic scream but weak to bright light. Kobra Khan persuade him to joined the Snake Men due to being the first person, so he join.

An android from Robotica who is the archenemy and rival of Roboto who try to find him but met Skeletor, he was taken and reprogram against his will by Modulok. He have the ability to explode himself like a bomb and resemble his body. Kobra Khan freed him and promise to get revenge when he joined the Snake Men.

Unnamed One/ Gorpo
A rogue Trollan who came to Eternia and made a new species known as Snake Men by magically enhancing them for evolution to find two swords with great power so get revenge on Trolla. He was unsuccessful as his creation turn against him,

The goddesses and "mother" of the Snake Men who was the first Snake Man to be created and led a revolt against her creator. She learn about the magic of the Unnamed One and created more of her "children". She is considered a hero and always there with her "children" in spirit.

The first son of Serpentia and the "god" of the Snake Men, he is the mostly dangerous of his kind so much that The Council of Elders turn him to a mountain which now Snake Mountain. Years it because the main home for the Snake Men until Horde Prime a day his original Horde push them out and took control. More years later Hordak and Keldor/ Skeletor use it as their base until he when left with baby Adora, it now belong to Skeletor. Hidden in Snake Mountain, the Snake Men are sealed under by Zodac's apprentice and successor Kar-Tor which Kobra Khan along with his secret team will unleash the Snake Men.

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