Princess Allegra

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Princess Allegra

Alter Ego



7 (2992)
12 (2997)

King Arbor - Father
Ayla - Adopted Sister
White Fang pack - Adopted family

Born in the Green Island Kingdom, she and her father live peaceful until seven years which the Horde arrive to the kingdom. Both father and daughter try to escape from the Horde by using a boat into a storm which they won't be follow. The storm cause lots of trouble for the two which caused a shipwreck, a pack of White Fangs discovered the body as they took the girl but sadly, the fathered died. Now living in a family of White Fang and get close to her sister Ayla, they try to make sure she's safe and fine from anyone. She was hiding away from the world for seven years but witness Etheria now having stars and black sky and the arrival of Horde Prime. Knowing it time to head to the world, she says goodbye to her adopted by her sister decided to go with her to the world they been hiding. She witness a fight with things falling from the sky and large monsters but remain hidden, he followed a group of people who are Princesses like her. She revealed herself to them and become close friend to the similar age Frosta and nature loving Perfuma.

● Since Allegra is a non-elemental princess, she is not part of the Heart of Etheria.

● Allegra is a one-off character of the old She-Ra series.
     ○ Allegra's back story is that of the She-Ra episode "Wild Child", but my version is that her father died during the shipwreck.

● Ayla being with Allegra of her adventure mirror that of Sparx being with Spyro in the The Legend of Spyro.
     ○ Both are adopted siblings of the family (Allegra adopted by White Fangs; Spyro adopted by Dragonflies).

● I headcanon the reason why she wasn't with the Princess Alliance is due to her home being isolated for 7 years and spend 5 more in the wild but she witness many events.

● Allegra similar to Mowgli from the 2016 Jungle Book as they both have a father who died, been cared for canids, and use her intellect to created helpful stuff.
     ○ Allegra is also based on Tarzan from the 1999 film as she learn to used a spear and surf in the trees.
     ○ Allegra is also based on George from the 1997 film George of the Jungle for goofiness and humor.

● Although based on those three Disney characters, she is primarily based on Sticks The Badger from Sonic Boom and Maya from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.

● Allegra is actually more tomboyish than the other princess as she don't like to wear dresses.

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