King Carnivus

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Carnivus Fervelius III

Alter Ego
King Carnivus

Quadian a.k.a. Cat People


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Queen Kittrina - Wife
Catra/ Princess C'yra - Daughter

Born in the village of Felis Qadi, he and his parents go to Eternos for negotiate with King Miro which cause the young Carnivus and Randor to be close friends. Although friends, things changes when Keldor attack which cause to two be distance but he will see Randor during special occasions his coronation of being king and his wedding with human astronaut Marlena. He found his own love in the name of Kittrina as the two also got married then have a daughter during the same time as Randor and Marlena. Sadly Skeletor, his Evil Forces, Hordak, and the Horde came to Eternos and crash the celebration of the twins. After that, Hordak took Adora along with four other children which includes C'yra as he try to save her but he was stop by Force Captain Sting-Or who gave the C'yra to Grizzlor. After losing C'yra, he continued to fight Sting-Or as Kittrina try to help him but they were the being stall as Hordak escape from Eternia. He then lost his wife by the Eternian guard-turned-traitor Colonel Blast who just joined the Horde and escape to. He spent his later years protection his people from conflicts in hope they won't suffer the same fate as his daughter and his wife as they remain neutral but when Skeletor rise to power and formed a more powerful alliance, he joined Randor to form their Council with other leaders. After Skeletor succeeded into conquer Eternia, taking the throne, and claimed to killed Randor and Marlena, the councils was disband but remain as allies to help He-Man to stop them.

● Carnivus is a creation of the 2002 MOTU series then later got his own figure for the MOTU Classic toyline.

● I thought of the idea of Carnivus being Catra's father was meant to mirror the friend bonded with Randor.
     ○ Also Catra is only one of her kind in Etheria so I thought that she's Quadian and like Adora, she was taken by the Horde.

● Carnivus married to Kittrina is inspired by a fanart by I can find it.

● Carnivus was a troublemaker when he was young and enjoy rough house with Randor, extremely similar to Catra and Adora.

● I envision my version Carnivus meet his long lost daughter Catra similar to Zuba and Alex in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa and Li Shan and Po from Kung Fu Panda.
     ○ Funnily, all of these series are owned by DreamWorks.

● If Catra wasn't kidnapping by the Horde, she and her father would have a relationship similar to Simba and Kiara from The Lion King 2: Simba Pride.

● Since Carnivus is a king, ironically that means Catra is a princess which she definitely not like to be one.

● During his short time as a father, Carnivus behavior just like Zeus in the 1997 film.
     ○ Like Zeus who gave Pegasus to Hercules, Carnivus gave Clawdeen to C'yra.

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