Rough Day

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Chapter Two

"You look like shit," Charlie says and I know I do.

I'm wearing clothes than spent the whole night lying about my room, it's safe to say that they look neither clean nor ironed.

Sleeping on the floor didn't help improve my look either. I tossed and turned all night on the mattress that was on the floor. I didn't bother cleaning anything up, I went straight to sleep and I was sure there were at least a dozen splinters stuck in me.

I brought a hand up to my hair and I tried to sort my hair out as I walked away from my car with Scott and Charlie following close behind.

"Rough night?" Scott asks like he knows something I don't.

I shrug as Scott now appears by my right. What does he want me to say? That my dad wrecked my room to the point that it looks more like a dumping ground? Just because he did doesn't mean I'm gonna go around telling everyone about it.

Scott sighs defeatedly like he sees no point in carrying on the conversation and he starts talking to Charlie, asking about last night's football practice but I don't join in.

As we approach the school building, I see him. I know it's him, only Winston would wear something like that to school.

He's obviously still used to the way he used to dress when he was at Hillcrest. His long coat and grey scarf made him look so skinny and small. Only then, when I could see him from a distance I could see how small he really was. I could snap him in half if I wanted to.

He's not alone.

I see that freak standing by his side. Tyler Down. He's holding a camera and explaining something to Winston. He's not even been here for a full week and he's already managed to make friends with the weirdos. Good for him.

He's hanging onto Tyler's every word, his eyes following Tyler's fingers as he points to the camera. Freaks.

"Any weekend plans?" Scott now asks me throwing an arm over my shoulder. But that's okay. We're just friends, people know that.

"Nah," I say simply finally taking my eyes off the freaks who are obsessing over a camera. Seriously, how can a camera be that interesting? "Probably just gonna sleep. I'm gonna need to rest before the season starts."

Scott nods like he understands but then he turns his head to the side to look at me. "If you wanna come over to, I don't know, play games or something..." I don't say anything and Scott continues. "Charlie can come too."

He looks to my left to give Charlie a nod and he seems pleased to be included. If only he knew that he's just invited to make it less awkward for me.

"Sure," Charlie says without as much as a second thought.

I can hear Tyler Down's annoying voice by now. He's ranting on about resolutions and I try so hard to keep my eyes away from them but I just can't help looking.

He's laughing at something Tyler just said. I can see his straight white teeth and the twinkle in his hazel eyes and it's the most mesmerising thing I've ever seen. I can't help but wonder what Tyler said to make him laugh.

I used to make him laugh like that. I still could.

It's almost as if he can feel me looking at him. Like he knew I was looking at him all along but he only chose to acknowledge me now.

He slightly turns his head to the side and looks directly at me. He's not laughing anymore but he's got a stupid grin on his face and I feel sick.

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