The Countdown

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Chapter Thirty

I know that Scott invited Estella over so I want to get out of the house before she comes.

I miss her. I miss having breakfast with her every morning. I miss screaming at her to hurry up in the bathroom. I miss her coming into my room whenever our parents had an argument.

Dad's been drinking more and more. He doesn't even care where Estella goes and what she does. He's slowly starting to give up.

Mom has moved out again. Or at least she's in the process of doing so. She's already spoken to Scott's mom, as soon as she moves out, Estella and I are moving in with her. Away from dad.

She wanted to meet up with me today, she told me over the phone right after she told me that she's doing her best to get us away from our dad.

But we'll have to meet another time. I need to see someone else first.

Benji is wearing a pair of grey joggers and nothing else when he opens the door.

I'm used to seeing him at Winn's house now. We've been hanging around, me and Winn. Sometimes Benji joins us, sometimes he doesn't.

It's been about two weeks since we saw Ryan at the shopping centre. Last I heard, they arrested him for illegal possession of drugs and there might be a case against him. Doubt it. Rich kids get away with everything.

I've been seeing Winn almost every day and if I didn't see him, I've called or texted him instead.

We've been getting better and better at this 'hanging out without wanting to kiss each other' thing. That doesn't mean I don't think about kissing him.

"Ah, my favourite regular visitor," Benji says with a smile on his face as he lets me inside.

I've only known him for about three maybe four weeks but fuck, I'm gonna miss him when he leaves for England again. He's staying for Christmas and New Years and then he's leaving. It's gonna be weird without him around.

"Where's Winn?" I ask as I begin taking my shoes off in the hallway. I already have a spot on the shoe rack.

"Shower," Benji tells me as he lays down on the couch in the living room. "If you go now you might make it in time to join him."

I roll my eyes and Benji smiles to himself. We probably wouldn't be where we are right now if it wasn't for him.

I stay in the living room with Benji even though the thought of showering with Winn does sound very appealing.

Winn and I... it's getting better. It's not perfect, we've talked, we've had arguments, we've made up. But we haven't kissed. I think we're heading in the right direction.

"So..." Benji says and he sighs. "Am I gonna see a Wonty reunion before I leave for England? Or are you two still trying out the 'friends' thing?"

My eyebrows furrow. "A what now?"

Wonty? That's what he said, right?

Benji rolls his eyes at me like I'm the stupid one. He's twenty years old and he acts like a child.

"Wonty," he repeats slowly. "Winston and Monty. Although I was considering Minston because-"

"I really don't wanna know," I cut him off. I'm slowly starting to realise why this guy doesn't have a girlfriend.

A month ago, I would have been creeped out by anyone saying this. But come on, it's Benji. He gets a pass. Besides, I'm used to him saying weirder things.

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