4320 Minutes

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Chapter Six

Two days.

Forty-eight hours.

Two hundred and eighty-eight minutes.

You get the idea.

I wonder how much longer I can go without seeing him.

And by seeing him, I don't mean glancing at him in the hallways or making eye-contact with him when he walks past me in the cafeteria. No, I need to see him, be able to talk to him without feeling like someone might take one look at us and think I'm a faggot.

I'm not.

I didn't take anything in from the workshops, I was too busy eye-fucking Winston from across the room.

Seeing him standing next to Alex didn't really bother me anymore, Alex wasn't the one getting to kiss him when no one was looking.

I got this rush just thinking about it, he was mine. No one else's.

But turns out the workshops are actually a big part of our homework and without my notes, I am quite literally fucked.

So instead of playing video games with Charlie and Scott, I'm sat at Charlie's dining table with notes spread out all over the table.

Sure, Scott could let me photocopy his notes but he says that then I won't learn my lesson. Whatever that means.

I didn't argue with him, I was lucky that he even let me copy his notes.

The dining room in Charlie's house is separated from the living room with an arched doorway with no proper door. I could fit my entire house into just these two rooms.

I lean back in my chair and I try to look into the living room through the opening in the wall. I can't see the score that's on the TV screen but I can guarantee that Charlie is losing.

They're sitting on the couch and I can see the back of their heads. Well, I can see Charlie's whole neck while there's just a bit of Scott's head peaking out from behind the couch.

"I don't hear the sound of pen on paper!" Scott shouts from the couch without turning around. They pause the game and I see Scott reach over to the table for a beer can.

I frown trying to figure out how he knows and then I notice the giant mirror above Charlie's TV.

"Fuck you," I shout back. "I'm tryna decode those scribbles of yours."

Scott chuckles and Charlie laughs happy that he's not the one getting picked on for once.

I get back to work, though and I try to focus on absorbing the information while I write it so maybe then I won't have to read them again.

It wasn't easy seeing him in school after that. I really should have thought about the fact that I'd have to see his face in school every day.

But would it really have changed anything? I doubt it.

There are so many things going through my mind, one of them being the football game tomorrow, I've given up trying to remember the notes while I write.

We can't afford to lose the game tomorrow.

Justin's already cost us one game this season and if the coach doesn't bench him for this game then we're going to be fucked.

But of course, Zach sticks up for him every time, still don't understand how they made this guy captain.

"Wow, you're really serious about this 'studying' thing," Scott comments.

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