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Chapter Twenty-Five

"But you want a guy, right? Not a girl?"

I shrug. Is it really such a good idea? Coming to the Winter Formal with some random guy just to make him jealous? Scott and Charlie think it is.

Scott has given up trying to make me talk to Winston, he's seen him with the blonde guy in town yesterday and we all think it's better if the two of us move on. He already has.

We sit at our table at lunch and we look around for potential dates for me. I don't really know how I feel about this. I don't want to hurt Winston but I also don't wanna show up alone like a loser.

"What about that guy?" Charlie asks and he points in some direction. I don't even look, I gave up ten guys ago.

Scott shakes his head. "Nah, pretty sure he's got a girl."

Charlie is against hurting Winston, but he also wants me to move on. Scott wants us to work it out still but we both know that's never going to happen now.

I keep on chewing my sandwich. Alex is going with Charlie and I have no doubt that Winston will either come alone or he'll skip the party. Maybe he'll just be there for yearbook. I just don't think I'll be able to see him with someone else.

"I'd go with you but, you know..." Charlie says and I scoff.

Sure, showing up with my gay friend will so make him jealous. I've never seen Winston get jealous and I think it would take a lot more than Charlie to get a reaction out of him.

"I can go with you," Scott tells me casually.

I'm still staying at his house. Almost two weeks now.

Estella has dared to ask dad when I can come back home, he said he doesn't have a son who can come back, not anymore. I laughed when she told me, acted like I couldn't care less.

And then I stayed awake all night thinking about it.

Scott's parents are starting to worry, they want to do something about it. I know that Scott's mom has been thinking about meeting up with my dad and talking this through.

We've kind of moved Scott's room around so that there's some space left for me and I don't have to keep my stuff in some ratty old bag. I've got my own shelf and half of Scott's closet belongs to me.

It's less than I had at home but for some reason, it's better than anything I ever had in my room. I can even tolerate Scott's old Michael Jackson posters.

But I also have chores to do, I help around the house and Scott's parents make sure I do my homework at the same time as Scott. So this is what having parents is like.

"I thought you were going with Estella," I say and Scott exchanges looks with Charlie.

Like I said, he's trying to be discreet about it. But I know he didn't just go to town by himself yesterday.


"It's fine," I say. "I'm cool with it."

I would prefer it if Estella could date guys that weren't my best friends, but I at least know Scott and I know that I can trust him.

I thought Scott may have been using her, but she seems to be happy with him and that's all I care about. Besides, I have other things to worry about.

Scott still doesn't look convinced and he licks his lips. "You sure? I wouldn't want to make things weird between us or-"

"I'm sure," I interrupt him. "Just take her to the dance. She needs a break from all of this shit."

I have no idea what it's like for her at home but I know that it can't be pleasant. She could do with some fun.

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