The End

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Chapter Twenty-Six

I knew that the name sounded a little too familiar.


I remember Winston telling me about him now.

I left the party a while ago, I promised myself I wouldn't drink today but here I am, flask in my hand, sitting on top of a table, staring at a blank screen.

The frog room. But this time there's nothing playing and the room is silent apart from the sound of the music from the party.

Summer was coming to an end and one day we decided to pull an all-nighter. I was sure he was going to fall asleep first and as time went on, we got more and more comfortable around each other.

Around 2 am, he told me about his ex-boyfriend. Lucas.

Lucas, the first guy who ever broke his heart. The bastard cheated on Winn, so what was he doing hanging around him again?

I didn't think about it before, but now I can't help but wonder if I was a rebound.

I mean, at the party, he was just looking for someone to hook up with, someone that would take his mind off of his cheating ex. That 'someone' was me.

And after I beat him up, he was sure we were never gonna see each other ever again.

But then I came over and I apologised to him. And for some reason, he saw something in me that made him want to get to know me. I bet he regrets it now.

The flask is empty and I can't even remember who I got it from, one of the guys on the team.

I thought Lucas was my rebound. I couldn't have been more wrong.

I haven't turned the light on in the room, I don't want anyone to know that I'm here. So when the door starts to open, the light coming in from the hallway is almost blinding.

He just stands there in the doorway, I only see his outline because of the darkness but it's enough for me to know it's him. I know every inch of his body.

"What are you doing in here?" he asks me and he walks into the room uncertainly. He closes the door behind him but he doesn't turn the light back on and we're back to sitting in silence.

He hesitates at first and he stands by the door but then I hear him sigh and he walks over to the table and he pushes himself up to sit on it.

Homecoming. He sat where I'm sitting right now and I was the one who walked in.

I wonder if he noticed that I left the party and he knew that I might be in here. Or maybe he wanted to leave the party too and this is his safe place.

Whatever the reason, we both ended up here. Again.

I still hear the voice from the frog documentary in my head, I'd rather remember than that our conversations in here.

"Just... needed some quiet," I say and I sigh.

Quiet. Time. Space. That's what I say I need but in reality, there's only one thing that I really need.

"Hmm," Winn says quietly. "Why's that?"

We've been here before, we're just going in circles. What's the point in making up when we both know that sooner or later I'll fuck us both up again.

I sigh. Both of us are looking at the black screen, I've got nothing to lose anymore. My teammates know, my family knows, my friends know. I've already lost the only thing I ever cared about.

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