Back To Where We Started

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Chapter Eleven

I could have been with him right now.

We had a deal, I finish writing my English essay for tomorrow and then I can come over.

But he said something came up with Alex so now I'm sat in bed trying to work out what could have been so important that he had to cancel on me.

I know it's barely been twenty-four hours since Saturday, but I still think it counts for something that we haven't fucked it up yet.

Charlie and Scott don't seem to be suspecting a thing, they were more worried about me taking off so suddenly than anything else.

I still have to apologise to Natalie but she's not my biggest priority right now.

Fuck, I should be with him right now.

I have no idea when the next time we're able to meet will be, but we'll figure it out. We always do.

I'm still thinking about Alex and Winston when my bedroom door opens and Estella's head pops into view.

I quickly take my earphones out of my ears and I look at her. She's been spending more and more time in my room recently especially now that dad has started drinking excessively again, must be something going on at work.

"I knocked," she says and she points back to the door as she steps inside and she closes the door behind her. But she's already seen my earphones, she knows I couldn't hear her.

She looks around the room as if she wants to start a conversation but doesn't know how to. She walks over to my desk and she sits down on the edge of the chair that's littered with a mix of dirty and clean clothes.

"Dad again?" I ask as I wrap my earphones around my hand and I put them to the side.

She nods and sighs. "He's asking mom about some missing money?" she says with a bit of confusion in her voice. Dad was always worrying about money even though we were never struggling with it. I remember those days where he checked every single one of mom's receipts from the supermarkets to check if the amount of money that went missing added up.

Even if it did, someone usually ended up getting hit.

"I mean....he just started out of nowhere," Estella continues and I see that her hands aren't steady, I wonder how long she's been debating whether or not she should come talk to me.

"What did he do?" I ask. I sit up and I nod towards her trembling hands but she quickly hides them.

"It's nothing, Monty," she says and she looks away like she doesn't even want to think about it.

He's never hurt Estella. Not on purpose anyways. Sometimes she got in the middle of our fights and got caught up in the crossfire but she was never really hurt.

He could say some nasty shit to her but he never tried to hurt her.

"I said, what the fuck did he do 'Stella?" I repeat and she looks terrified.

"I mean, I know I was in the way an-"

"What. Did. He. Do."

I'm sitting up fully straight now, my eyes glued to Estella and I swear I could kill the bastard if he even tried to hurt her.

Estella sighs. "He just...pushed me to the side. I'm sure he didn't mean it-"

And then she stops abruptly once I'm on my feet and I'm walking to the door.

'Pushed'. Yeah, I know what dad's pushes are like. One second you're on your feet and then the next you're flying halfway across the room.

Didn't mean it? Yeah right.

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