Santa Is Real

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

I shouldn't have come here.

From where I'm standing, it looks more like a family reunion rather than a Christmas party.

Why would he invite me here?

I've been pacing up and down the street for the past fifteen minutes or so. I'm not sure if I should go in.

Scott offered to come with me in case it gets uncomfortable and I need someone to talk to. I said that I'll be fine on my own but now I really wish that Scott, or maybe even Charlie, was here with me.

I should just get in my car and text him that I can't make it before I embarrass myself.

I take one last glance at the house and I see the curtains twitch and I wonder if he saw me. I can't leave if he saw me.

I stay glued to the spot and then I watch as the door opens and a guy who looks to be just a few years older than me steps outside.

He's got dark curly hair similar to Winston's but they don't look related. He looks to be much more tanned and he's much taller than Winn.

"You coming in lad?" he shouts over to me and I look around wondering if I still have a chance at getting away.

His accent sounds funny to me, like a mix of British and Australia and I wonder who this guy is.

He's holding the door open for me so I sigh and then I quickly cross the road.

"You're Winston's boy, right?" he asks when I reach him and he doesn't even wait for a response. "He's been waiting for you all night, get in here."

He puts his hand on my back and he guides me to the hallway as he shut the door with his other hand.

I take my shoes and my jacket off and I expect this guy to leave me alone but he stays standing there, almost guarding the front door like he's scared I'm gonna leave.

I hope this isn't another one of Winn's 'friends'.

I hear the Christmas music coming from the room across the wall.

'Rocking around the Christmas tree...'

I can barely remember what Christmas was like at my house. Mom always tried her best to make it a good day, she made the food, wrapped our presents, watched Christmas movies with us...Dad always ruined it by picking on something.

"We haven't got all day buddy," the guy reminds me but he doesn't sound like he's trying to pick a fight.

He opens the door into the living room for us and we walk inside.

I've seen it in Christmas movies but I've never seen it in person. The grand Christmas tree decorated in a red and white theme stands close to the far wall, the electric fireplace next to it is on and there are Chsrtimas stocking handing above it. I never had any of that.

I look around, taking in the Christmas lights and the decorations hanging around the entire room. I wonder if this is what Christmas is like for him. There's a man and a woman standing by the Christmas tree, talking and laughing, a group of children sitting on the couch eating chocolate and an older woman walking around picking at all the decorations making sure that it's perfect.

"Hey! You made it!"

I tear my eyes away from the blow-up Satan sitting on the armchair and I focus on him. God, he looks so ridiculous. But so fucking cute.

He's wearing a black Christmas sweater with lights attacked that spell out 'Merry Christmas', dark grey trouser and a Santa hat. And is that eggnog that he's holding?

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