Bad At Goodbyes

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Come to think of it, we were never really good at goodbyes.

Scott is out again, presumably with my sister and I try my best not to care.

I'm just glad that I have Scott to help me deal with all this shit.

I think I kept both of us awake last night.

I didn't cry once we got home but I did stay in bed and I talked to Scott until the sun came up.


The words were never spoken but the goodbye was there.

I'm helping Scott's mom in the kitchen - peeling potatoes while she seasons the chicken. I'll do anything to get my mind off of him.

It hurts knowing that even after everything we've been through, we don't get the happy ending that we deserve.

No, we didn't deserve a happy ending. He does. I don't.

There's a loud rapid knock at the door and I wonder if Scott forgot his keys again. He's been going out more frequently now that he's not scared to be caught with my sister.

"I'll get it," I tell Scott's mom and she smiles at me in return.

I wipe my dirty hands on my jeans as I walk to the door.

I turn the key in the lock and I open the door ready to scold Scott for forgetting his keys again.

"Scotty, I swear to-"

But it's not Scotty.

How is he here? At Scott's house?

He stands on the doorstep, hands in his pockets, lips set in a thin line and his chin is hidden by his scarf.

His scarf...

I'm not sure what to do at first and we just stand there staring at each other until Scott's mom asks me if Scott is back.

"I, erm, no," I say and I'm relieved that I can look away from him. "It's... a friend."

I look back at Winn and he's still stood there with the same expression on his face.

Is he... Angry?

"Come in," I tell him simply and I step to the side so he can enter.

He stands in the hallway and he looks around. I want to ask him what he's doing here but I don't feel like having a conversation with him in the hallway. I sigh and I start walking up the stairs because I know he'll follow me. We reach the top of the stairs and neither of us says anything as I lead us to Scott's room.

It's a mess. Scott's not one to tidy his shit up but with me added to the mix, the room looks like a tip. Clothes are all over the floor, the bed, the chair. Cups and plates are on the nightstand and next to it because we ran out of space.

I try to move the clothes away from the bed so there's room to sit but Winn doesn't care about sitting.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks and he shuts the door.

I turn around, a mixture of mine and Scott's clothes in my arms.

Tell him what?

My eyebrows furrow and I dump the clothes into Scott's desk.

"About your dad," Winn continues and I look down at the ground. How does he...

I shrug and Winn scoffs at me. "Fuck. Monty."

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