Salty Food and Tears

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Chapter Fifteen

I don't think I've slept for even a second.

I tried my best but I just couldn't.

The air in the room was suffocating and Winn kept on snuggling up to me just making it harder for me to breathe.

I gave up halfway through the night, got out of bed, opened the window and I sat by the window while I watched him sleep for a while. But then he mumbled something about being cold and I had to close the window and get back into bed before he could wake up properly.

It's morning now, maybe even afternoon and I'm starving.

Winn ate all of his food last night and then he threw it up in the guest bathroom while I patted his back and told him he was gonna be okay. So then I gave him my food, he needed it more than I did.

I know that Scott and Charlie have been awake for a while now, I heard them walking down the stairs and giggling maybe half an hour ago. I'm glad they're in a good mood, pretty sure I heard them arguing about something last night. It went on for quite a while. I hope it wasn't about me.

Winn has got me trapped. His hands are under my shirt, touching my back and he's pulling me close to him like he doesn't want me to leave. I move and he tries to push me closer towards him.

I spent all night trying to think about everything and yet I still couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

He didn't want me touching him, but he was fine with touching me. He didn't want to have sex, but he was fine with blowing me. I really don't like where I'm going with this.

I struggle trying to get out of his grip and it's kind of cute how he doesn't want to let me go.

"Fuck, Winn," I groan and I try to peel his hands off of me.

"Stop moving," he said and he nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck.

Fuck. The things he does to me.

"I have to go," I say and I ruffle his hair with one hand but he's still not convinced. "Bathroom."

"Fine," he sighs and he finally takes his hands off of me.

I go to the bathroom but I leave the door slightly open. I wait until I can hear him snoring lightly again and then I tiptoe past the bed and I walk out of the room.

From there on, it's easy.

I can hear voices coming from the kitchen as I'm walking down the stairs. I stop and I try to listen to see if I can work out what they're talking about.

But the door to the kitchen is closed and I can only hear muffled voices. I think I can guess what they're talking about though.

I walk into the kitchen and they stop talking almost immediately.

"What?" I say and look at Scott and then Charlie.

The kitchen is a mess. Dirty dishes and pans are piling up in the sink, there's flour all over the floor and it smells like burnt eggs. Charlie's got a sweeping brush and he's sweeping the floor while Scott is holding a pan over the trash can and scraping the remains of it into the trash.

"What the-"

"We tried to make pancakes," Charlie tells me and he gestures to the flour-covered floor.

"From scratch," Scott adds so I don't think they're complete idiots that can't even follow the instructions on the back of a pancake mixture.

"Right..." I say as if that explains the mess. Do they not know how to pour flour in a bowl?

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