The Closet Doors

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Chapter Twelve

We don't get to meet up on Friday.

He cancelled on me literally last minute with some shitty excuse about how his parents needed his help with something. No details whatsoever.

I sent him a thumbs up emoji in reply. I hope he gets the message.

"What the fuck was that?" Scott laughs at me and he takes the opportunity to stop and take a drink of his beer.

"Even I could have taken that shot," Charlie tells me and I glare at him.

Charlie's house is neutral ground for all of us, the place where our biggest worry is how many kills you can get in one game. Well, it's supposed to be.

Scott's pretending like he hasn't blown us off all week, what gives him the right to sit here and laugh at me like we're such great friends?

I guess everyone's pretending nowadays.

"Natalie got you off your game?" Scott teases me and he resumes the game.

I tell myself to focus, don't get killed.

"Mhm," I say in reply and Scott nods like he understands but in reality he hasn't as much as talked to a girl for months.

They know that I was supposed to meet up with 'Natalie' today but I'm hanging out with them instead so they can guess that something happened.

We play for another few minutes, insulting each other, making fun of each other when one of us messes up, usually it's me. And then Charlie interrupts.

"What are you doing on Halloween?" he asks and it's the kind of thing you'd expect him to say. He can't just show up to parties like a normal person, he has to plan it out, make sure he has a group of friends by his side. Honestly, it's like hanging out with a girl.

"Halloween? That's ages away," I say and Scott glances at me and raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's next week dummy," Scott tells me and then he shoots me because he knows I'm distracted again.

"Fuck you," I say and I put the controller down on the couch. "You can play with Charlie now, see how much you like that."

Charlie looks offended but we all know how crappy he is at video games. Playing with him isn't fun, he drags you down and it's no fun playing against him because he's so easy to kill and he never gets mad.

He picks the controller up from the couch and I put my feet up on the coffee table as I watch Scott change some things in the game settings.

"There's this party at Bryce's," Charlie continues and my head turns to him. Charlie doesn't even know Bryce, he knows the glorified version of him that is passed on from football player to football player.

"So?" I say. Bryce may as well be dead, he stopped existing to me the minute he decided that he was going to ditch all of his old friends. Fucking Hillcrest boy thinks he's better than everyone else.

Charlie looks uncomfortable, I see him fumbling around the controller like he's just glad he has something to hold onto.

Scott doesn't say anything but his lips are stretched out in a thin line. Scott didn't know Bryce as well as I did but he's got as much reason to be mad at him as I do. He ruined our whole team's reputation, cost us our season and then he left us to clean up the mess.

"I thought it'd be nice to go," Charlie says casually but I can already see that he regrets bringing it up.

"Nice for who?" Scott asks coldly and I can't help but think that Bryce must have done something because I can't imagine Scott being this upset over last year's season. Anyone else? Yes. Scott? Never.

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