Gains and Losses

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Chapter Sixteen

It was all going so well.

It's been a week since Winston told me what happened and he's slowly starting to get better and better every day.

I can't see him every day because of school, football and everything else but I do manage to text him to check up on him every day.

Scott and Charlie know to keep their mouths shut in public and sometimes even in private. But when they see Winn in school, they can barely control themselves and they're bound to comment about it in school one day.

Miss Lawrence loved my essay on the book, if I ever need someone to improve my GPA to stay on the team, I'll know who to go to.

Speaking of GPAs...

He's been so focused on photography and all that bullshit that he's already failing like half of his subjects. I didn't even know he was so bad at keeping up with schoolwork.

He looked embarrassed when I found out his GPA but I wasn't about to start judging him, I just want to help.

I was supposed to come over to do something with him, but I refuse to do so until he finishes all his homework. Sometimes I think he's lazier than me.

He was halfway through his Spanish homework when he suddenly realised that I'm so good at it because I speak Spanish myself, I never should have agreed to help him.

So yeah, studying was going well up until now.

"One thing," he tells me. "Say one thing and I'll leave you alone. I'll never mention it again."

He's got my straddled on the bed again but I keep my hands by my sides, I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I'm not saying anything," I tell him and I laugh when he pouts.

I could just give in and say something in Spanish, but what would be the fun in that? It was getting boring just watching him write anyway.

"One thing," he repeats and he brings his face closer to mine so that our noses are almost touching.

He looks so happy, I haven't seen him smile this much in a very long time. His hair is neat and tidy and I feel like someone needs to mess it up.

"Fine, what do you want me to say?" I sigh and he frowns.

"Nu-uh," he says. "You come up with something. And then I can try to understand it. That counts as studying, right?"

We both know it's just an excuse for him to kiss me without feeling guilty because he should be studying but I don't tell him that.

I sigh and I can't think of anything I can tell him. But he's waiting, his hand stroking my cheek and I can think of one thing.

"Besame," I say and he quirks an eyebrow at me.

"What does that mean?" he asks and he looks intrigued.

I smile and I don't say anything. Instead, I move my head upwards and I kiss him.

I really hope it's okay with him and that he doesn't feel uncomfortable. He doesn't.

It was just a small kiss, my lips barely even touched his and our noses brush past each other but he moves his hands to the back of my head and he pushes my head forward like he doesn't want me to stop kissing him. He probably doesn't.

And I don't object.

I've waited and I haven't pressured him into anything but it feels like he's waited longer from the way he's kissing me.

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