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It's the morning, I'm sure to wake up earlier than my sister so that anything she needs can be done for her before she even opens her eyes.
I prepare myself for fathers shouting and go downstairs.
"Elphaba" he calls grumpily from the kitchen,
I head that way and see him standing in front of our cook, who's making breakfast.
"Yes father?" I say expecting to be shouted at for something I'm unaware of.
"How was Nessa yesterday?"
Of course he's asking about his favourite child.
"She was fine father,"
He nods, In my head I've imagined that's his way of saying 'thank you for doing my job as a father'
But alas he doesn't mean that.
"Need me to do anything else father?" I ask solemnly, he shakes his head and I run upstairs to help nessa into her wheelchair when she wakes up.
She looks so peaceful.
I want to hate her so much.
I do.
But she's kind to me, well she tries to be.
But she's the only reason father keeps me around.
I'm her servant.
I guess we both have the problem of people staring at us.
But nessa has something I'll never have.
She's beautiful.

"Elphie" I hear a faint voice whisper.
My day begins.
I jump up and rush to her side.
"Yes nessa" I say obediently.
She point to her chair and uses her arms to prop herself up in bed.
I carry her over to it.
"Thanks sis" nessa says beaming.
Father steps in and walks over to nessa and hugs her,
I loath the fact that he never hugs me, I'm only allowed to hug nessa in secret incase I might hurt her.
"Nessa your tutor is coming soon, Elphaba get ready for school"
I tap my school bag that was on my back and my father scowls,
"Speak when your spoken to Elphaba" he growls
"Yes father" I whimper.
Father leaves the room and I sit on my bed.

Nessa wheels herself beside me.
"Are you exited for school?" Nessa asks joyfully,
I hate her asking about school, because it's my fault that she's not allowed to go, something just comes over me and I can't help it.
"Not really, I hate the staring and you know that!" I snap,
Nessas eyes fill with tears, I realise my mistake.
"Your not the only one people stare at Elphie" she crys,
I don't know what to do, I'm supposed to hug her and say that I'm sorry but I'm not.
"They don't stare at you the same way as me!" I growl at nessa,
She's still crying, if she gets any louder father will hear.
"They stare at me for the same reason Elphaba, because we look different"
I hate it when she gets like this.
She's beautiful and lovely to be around when she's not angry at the world.
But I love her so much because it's my fault that she's disabled, I don't know if she knows that or not.
"Nessa stop it" I shout suddenly "you can't compare yourself to me"
Nessa pushes herself to the other side of the room, buries her head in her hands and continues crying.
I don't feel bad, she just doesn't get it.

Suddenly I hear foot steps and my father lets himself into our room.
He scans the room for Nessa and gasps, he runs to his precious daughter and holds her tightly,
"What's the matter my sweet?" He coos,
Nessa looks over at me, I feel helpless, Nessa knows she has the power to make father angry at me..
"Nothing" she says, "I was being silly"
I breath a heavy sigh of relief,
Suddenly my father turns to me,
"And why were you over there, you should have been a good sister and comforted Nessa" he says strictly.
I nod my head obediently,
"Are you sure your alright Nessa?"
"Yes I'm fine" she says hurriedly,
"I'll come back when your tutor is here, and when you must leave Elphaba,"
And with that he leaves.

I walk over to Nessa,
"I'm sorry for shouting at your Nessa" I apologise sincerely.
Nessa reaches out her hand.
She wants me to hold it.
I do that that and the two of us sit in silence for a while.
"I'm sorry to Elphie, I just get so frustrated sometimes and..." her voice trails off, she looks like she's going to cry again.
Luckily she doesn't.
I do feel bad for her, but she's just so spoiled and I don't see how she has anything to complain about.
She goes through phases of being quite bratty at times, but I guess it's only fair.
She can't really do anything for herself.
When she was born I was three years old, at first I hated her because I thought she was the reason our mum had died but I soon realised it was my fault.
If only I had been born normal nothing would have gone wrong, Nessa would be fine and mum would still be here.

"Elphie, guess what?" Nessa says suddenly smiling,
I play along,
"what?" I ask all cartoony and bubbly
"Father says once I'm older he will find us a boarding school that we can both go too"
She looks so happy, I smile back at her.
"That sounds great Nessa" I chime.
She waves her arms around excitedly, then looks at my solemn expression.
"I really am sorry Elphie" she says "I didn't mean to get annoyed at you"
I look at her sudden sad expression,
"I know you didn't" I say politely,
I place my hand on her shoulder, I'm sat on her bed, It's far better quality than mine, but I understand.
Her bad has to be better because of her legs, or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Nessa takes my arm off of her shoulder, she pushes herself towards our mirror,
And examines herself,
Our aunt Sophia says that she's vain.
But I know why she does it.
She's always told how beautiful she is, she's doesn't believe it though, she says people only do it out of pity.
"Nessa your tutor is here" I hear father shout from downstairs.

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