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(Takes places two years after the last chapter)

Nessas leg is broken.
She pushed herself too ambitiously over a large stone and fell onto the floor and her chair toppled over onto her leg.
Worst sound I have ever heard.
It's a really strange situation.
When her arm was broken it made such a huge impact but her legs don't work anyways so the only thing that's changed is the type of chair she's in and the way we have to take her downstairs.
Nessa now has a chair from the hospital that holds her leg out in front of her.
Father had second thoughts about sending her to school, but Nessa practically screamed until her voice broke so he gave in.

"Elphaba" I hear Nessa call from across the room, I drop what I'm doing and head over to her,
"Can you promise me something?" She asks.
I sit down on her bed beside her.
"Depends what it is" I say flatly.
Nessa looks put off.
"Please let this new school be different, I want to start out fresh."
I know what she's talking about, she doesn't want me to use my 'gift' on her, the problem is.
I can't control it.
"I promise" I say emptily,
Nessa smiles joyfully.
"Can you do my hair?" She asks, gesturing towards her brush.
Before I have time to answer Nessa starts pushing herself towards her dresser, she bumps her leg against various pieces of furniture a few times (something she is used to by now) and grabs her brush.
Nessa wheels herself back towards me and hands me it, a huge grin spread across her face.
I get to work.
"This new chair is so inconvenient" Nessa says dramatically "I don't understand why I need a cast on my leg at all"
"Because it needs to get better" I say strongly.
"But it's not like I'm going to be able to walk again" she laughs, but I know that it's really bothering her.
"It's only on for a few more weeks" I say reassuringly "it will be off before you know it."

Nessa brings her hand to her head an strokes the French braids that I put in.
I'm very proud.
I can't believe that Nessa is twelve, father decided to get her into school when she's older, Shes so exited.
I'm fifteen, I feel like such a boring person now compared to nessa.
I don't even bother to stick around for family functions anymore, if people are going to stare at either of us, why should it be me?
At least when they stare at Nessa they are getting something pretty to look at.

I'm still amazed at how much Nessa has hurt herself in the past two years, she rarely ever hurt herself when she was younger but she's allowed to do more for herself now so I guess that's why.
"Elphie what are you doing? Your hurting me!" I hear nessas voice shout suddenly, I twitch.
I've been tugging on nessas braids this whole time.
"Ness I'm so sorry!" I say in alarm.
"It's fine" she says hurriedly, "just don't do it again."
I see Nessa place her hands on her Handel's and push herself up so she's sitting bolt upright.
This new chair is slanted back slightly so she's always quite uncomfortable.
"Elphie" Nessa says suddenly "your good at drawing, can you draw a flower on my cast?"
I feel really important all of a sudden, Nessa has never let anyone draw on her cast.
I go over to my dresser and pull out my big tub of colouring pens and get to work.
Nessa seems thrilled with the part of the flower that she can see.
I've never drawn on a cast before but when we were at the hospital having nessas put on someone said to me said how difficult it is to draw on them because they keep moving.
But with Nessa being paralysed, that doesn't happen.

I step back and admire my work, I've drawn a purple tulip, Nessa pushes herself over to the mirror and squeals with delight.
"Oh Elphie! It's wonderful" she smiles "draw some more"
I can't disappoint her now, we're having such a wonderful time.
"Shall a draw a bunch of flowers?" I ask .
"Yes yes!" She cries joyously.

Nessa is left beaming ear to ear when I've finished, she hasn't looked this happy in weeks.
"I should have made you draw on my sling cloth" Nessa says giggling slightly.
I smile at her.
"I don't think I have anything left to break" she says jokingly.
She better not brake anything else, it's so much more stressful.
At least now Nessa is older however her tantrums seem to have stopped.
"Finished!" I say admiring my work.
I've drawn a bunch Of flowers all over it, tulips and Lilly's.
Nessas favourite.

Nessa pushes herself upright again, I see her struggle to look in the mirror.
The chair starts to tip, She cries out loudly.
I throw my arms out and catch it.
Everything's fine.
"I hate this new chair, I still don't get why I have to use it," Nessa huffs.
I have an idea, I walk over to my bed and grab my pillow.
My only pillow.
"Nessa hold yourself up for a moment" I say kindly.
Nessa does as she's told and I put the pillow behind her back.
"You can lean back now"
Nessa falls back onto the pillow softly, she's propped up slightly higher.
"Is that better?" I ask, expecting to be told it's awful.
"Yes actually it is, but what about your pillow?" She asks to my surprise.
"I'm not bothered about it" I lie.
Nessa looks down at her cast.
"Thanks Elphie, it looks wonderful"
I feel quite smug.
"I'm still not sure how you managed to break it" I say blankly.
"I'm still not sure why father blamed you" Nessa replies.
It's true.
Father blamed me for not pushing her, because if I was doing it then she wouldn't have fallen out.
"I'm surprised you didn't notice it was broken,"
Nessas face suddenly drops, Ive realised my mistake.
"I can't feel them Elphaba, you know that"
She snaps suddenly.
When she fell all we could hear was this horrible crack, father obviously rushed straight to nessas side but she said that she was fine.
Once me and father got the chair off of her we could see the swollen red mark.
Father took her straight to hospital and I had to cart the chair behind them.
Nessa looks out the window.
"I wouldn't have this stupid cast on if father wasn't such a worrier."
Nessas in one of her moods again, it's my fault this time, I know that she can't feel them.
I just got carried away.
"It's because he cares ness" I say calmly, I'm prepared for her to scream at me at any moment.
"What good is this cast going to do? It's just another thing that's wrong with me" she says sadly.
I look down at nessas hands, they're clenched tightly around her wheels.
I look at mine, my repulsive green hands, I've often wondered if I would be pretty if I wasn't green.
Father wouldn't hate me so much and Nessa wouldn't be the way she is.
"Nessa" I say suddenly, she looks over at me.
"I love you."

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