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One of the most insufferable people I've ever met and I have to share a dorm with her.
I'm supposed to be looking after my sister and one night in this hell hole is enough to miss father.
Glinda is pink and popular whilst I can't get anything at this school other than dirty looks and hateful whispers.
I've only had one class so far and I already hate it here, I just want to start my spell class so I can feel useful.
I've already managed to upset Nessa, even though it's not my fault that I want to protect her.
There's a knock on our dorm door.
Glinda stand up and shouts,
"I'll get it!" As she rushes to the door, her shoes tapping loudly on the floor.
I roll my eyes and turn around.
"Madame Morrible!" I hear Glinda gasp "what are you doing here?"
Unless I hear my name being called, I'm uninterested.
"I have a visitor for you, I just wanted to check that it would be alright to leave her here whilst I attend a meeting" Madame Morrible says.
A visitor?
"Elphie?" I hear nessas familiar voice call,
I practically throw myself off of the bed and rush to the door.
"Nessa, come in, come in" I say a little to excitedly, Glinda chuckles at my childishness.
Nessa nods at Madame Morrible and she leaves up alone, Glinda flops down onto her bed and Nessa follows me in.
I close the door behind her.
"Elphaba, I came to apologise for shouting at you yesterday" Nessa says hanging her head.
I crouch down by her feet and place a hand on her knees, I don't know why I do it as I don't believe that she can't feel it.
"There's nothing to apologise for, I broke our promise and I'm sorry" I say honestly, I do feel bad about it, but I feel worse that I can't share a room with her.
I hear a loud creaking sound behind me as Glinda jumps onto my bed, she lies on her stomach and looks down at me and Nessa.
"So what's it like with Madame M?" Glinda asks, forcing herself into our conversation.
"It's not bad, it's quite far away from the classrooms but I don't mind" Nessa replies politely, she beams up at Glinda, as if she's in awe of this frilly pink person before her.
"Must be fun though" Glinda says "you get a chance to be on her good side, that's a rare opportunity"
Hopefully I'll get on her good side when I do spell classes.
I'm not on Glindas good side, she wanted to take the spell seminar but Madame Morrible is only taking me and it's driving Glinda mad.
Nessa looks at me joyfully,
"I suppose your right Glinda" Nessa says, pronouncing Glinda like her name could break.

After a while of Nessa and Glinda exchanging small talk, Nessa turns and looks at our clock that's up on the wall.
"I should probably be getting back before next lesson" she says suddenly, I see Glinda about to open her mouth and I jump in quickly.
"I'll take you back Ness"
Nessa smiles,
"Okay, do you know the way?"
I think for a moment and I stand up to grab nessas handles, Glinda gets up off of my bed at long last and opens the door.
"It has been such a pleasure to meet you miss nessarose" Glinda giggles, Nessa smiles back at her.

I push Nessa our of my dorm and into the hallway.
"What way?" I ask,
"Left" Nessa says calmly, I turn left and then continue straight ahead.
"What lesson did you have first period?"
Nessa smiles,
"Oh, I didn't have one, Madame Morrible took me on a tour of the school and introduced me to some of the faculty" Nessa says proudly "I absolutely love it here"
I smile back at her,
"I'm glad," I look around "what way now?"
Nessa holds on to her armrests and leans forward, she examines both directions.
"Right, then continue to the end of the corridor, the door at the end with the gold plaque on it is mine."
That tour really has seemed to help, I'm glad that Nessa is enjoying herself, maybe school was just what she needed in order to mature for becoming governess.
"Glindas nice," Nessa comments as we head through her door.

I roll my eyes, luckily Nessa doesn't notice.
"I find her annoying"
"How can you say that? She's so kind" Nessa squeaks, pushing herself inside her dorm, I follow behind.
"Do we have to talk about her? Can't we talk about something else?" I beg, Nessa spins herself round, and smiles at me.
I breath a sigh of relief.
"Anything that you want to tell me?" I ask hesitantly.
Nessa looks at me, she reaches her arms out towards me.
I know what she wants me to do.
I sit on me knees in ground of her,  and hug her tightly.
It feels so nice to hug my sister, all other thoughts go away for a short time,
"Elphie did you know that's there's a prince coming to the school soon, isn't it exiting?" Nessa  gushes, she pushes me off of her gently and I sit crosses legged on the floor in front of her.
"A prince?" I say curiously,
"Yes! Maybe all the girls will go after him and I might find someone who would like me" Nessa says exitedly.

I know how much she wants to be a part of that school experience but it's hard for her, she can't just stroll up to anyone she likes and she's never been the best at staring conversations.
"Maybe" I mumble,
All of a sudden, the door opens behind me.
Madame Morrible steps inside,
"Nessa" she says placing her hands on her hips, "I'm alright with you going to other dorms whenever you want, but I need to be notified when you want to bring people here"
Nessa hangs her head down, I stand up and block Nessa from Madame Morrible.
"Madame Morrible, please don't get angry at nessa, I followed her in" I plead.
Madame Morrible nods her head,
"well then I suggest that you run along then and I shall see you tomorrow at spell class."
I tap Nessa on the shoulder and she waves at me.
I leave the dorm, stepping past Madame Morrible awkwardly and head back to my dorm.
Back to Glinda.

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