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(Takes place one month after the last chapter)

I've finally had my sling taken off, my arm is better but I'm still terrified of the stairs.
I've only been on them twice this month because Elphaba practically begged me to come to family dinner.
So I did, Elphaba had to carry me downstairs and upstairs, I shut my eyes tight whilst we went over them.
I'm sat in my chair, I'm the middle of our room waiting for Elphaba to come out of the toilet.

Father comes up the stairs and into our room.
"Where's you sister?" He asks, Turing to me.
"She's in the bathroom" I reply.
Father beds down and cups my hands in his, he's extra gentle on my hand that had just come out of the sling.
"Are you wanting to come down for dinner tonight?" He asks, I can see in his eyes that he really wants me to say yes.
Elphaba exits the bathroom and stands in the doorway, she pleads at me with her eyes to also say yes.
"I don't feel like it" I say sadly,
Fathers eyes look disappointed and Elphabas breathing quickens.
"I want Elphaba to eat with me upstairs" I  say forcefully.
I don't like guilt tripping my father, but I want to help Elphie.
"Of course my angel" father says, "I shall have your dinner sent for you both at once."

Elphaba steps over to me, her eyes are glowing brightly.
"Thank you so much" she whispers,
I don't understand what's so bad about eating with father, but if it means not eating upstairs with Tilly the maid then I'll do it.
After a while, I hear Tilly coming up the stairs.
She opens the door and has two silver trays in her hands.
"Not eating with me today?" She asks me,
I Shake me head.
"I'm eating with her today" Elphie says gratefully.
Tilly places my tray on a table near me and hands Elphie hers.
"Thank you" Elphaba says.
Tilly leaves the room.

Elphie, pushes me suddenly towards the table.
I grab my wheels ferociously and stop her.
"Elphaba I can do it myself" I shout, she staggers backwards and mumbles an apology.
"Wait," I say sadly "I'm sorry I just..." I don't know how to explain myself.
I've only just gotten my arm back, and I want to be independent more than ever.
"What have you got for lunch?" I ask, trying to sound kind.
Elphie lifts up the lid on her tray,
"Sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches" Elphaba mutters.
They're my favourite but Elphaba doesn't like them.
I lift mine up.
I look at the five sandwiches on my plate compared to Elphies two.
"I have three cucumber and two tuna" I say merrily "how about we trade"
Elphie looks exited, we always used to trade food when we would have picnics.
"I'll give you both my sandwiches for your tuna ones" she says happily.
We do the trade.
But I only finish three of my sandwiches.
"Father always gives me too many" I say.
It's true, he always gives me so much food that I don't finish and when I leave food on my plate he always asks if somethings wrong.

Elphie walks over to the table I'm by.
It's my makeup one, I love trying out different makeup combinations.
"Can I try that on?" Elphie asks pointing to one of my lipsticks.
It's a dark red with a golden case, I'm particularly fond of it.
"How about this one?" I say picking up a similar colour, this lipstick was a present from one of our many cousins.
"Sure" she grins, gently removing the lid.
"I'm just going to go and wash my hands, I'll be right back" I say, already half way towards the door.

I turn on the sink and rub my hands with the lavender soap.
I don't even know why I'm in here, my hands are not even dirty, I guess it's just something that I can do myself.
"I'm finished!" I hear Elphie call excitedly, I push myself back in.
In a strange way it really complements her green skin.
"Elphie it looks wonderful!" I gush.
She twirls around in her navy blue dress.
That's one of the only colours she ever wears.
Her entire wardrobe is either black or navy blue.
"Nessa" Elphie says uneasily, "could I possibly keep it?"

Keep it?
I'm sure I'll get more.
"Yeah" I say "I don't need it"
Elphie excited goes and places the lipstick on her shelf.
I get called out into the hallway by Tilly.
I calmly tell Elphie to say inside our room.
I go out into the hallways and see father going up the stairs into our room.
Tilly steps out of a doorway to greet me.
"Miss Nessarose" she says calling out to me,
"Yes?" I question
"Your father says that your family is coming over tomorrow, your all meeting in the lounge and the ballroom" Tilly says holding out a dress, "he wants you to wear this"
I look at it excitedly, the dress is pink and silky.
It's beautiful.

Suddenly there's a shout from my room.
It's father.
I quickly push myself back in, Tilly follows hastily behind.
Elphie is backed into a corner, father is stood over her holding my lipstick in his hand, his face full of rage.
Elphaba sees me.
"Tell him Nessa!" She cries out in alarm "tell him you let me keep it"
Father turns around, and looks at me, he grabs hold of my handles and pushes me in the room further.
"Did you let her have it?" He asks, his eyebrows raised.
I nod silently.
He drops the lipstick on the floor and leaves.
Tilly places the dress on my bed and scurries out of our room.
"Elphie..." I begin,
"Nessa it's fine" she says, cutting me off.
She walks over to me silently and lifts me into bed.
She gets into hers and I turn the lights off.
I close my eyes and anticipate the family gathering.

Green with envy | Wicked | Book 1/3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora