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I wake up the day after the party, I'm furious with Elphaba.
I don't want to talk to her, she's embarrassed me again, her stupid "gift" isn't doing any good for this family.
It rarely ever manifests in front of our family, I'm usually not in my wheelchair at family events.
Usually Fathers sits me proudly on his knee and my relatives come and stare at me like I'm some sort of museum artefact.
"Nessa," I hear Elphabas voice call "do you want to get up?"
I throw my covers over my face, it's the only thing I can do to show that I'm mad, I'm fully aware of how pathetic it is but I couldn't care less.
It gets the message across.
"Nessa please talk to me," she begs,
I take my cover off of my face, she's standing right next to my bed, she suddenly gasps.
"Oh what is it?" I say moodily,
Elphaba jumps forward and grabs hold of my arm,
"Ouch, what are you doing?" I growl,
"Oh my god, I did that!" She exclaims worriedly.
I roll my eyes, but reluctantly look at my arm, there's a giant bruise covering it.
I can't think of what to say, I'm too angry and embarrassed to be calm about it.
"It's only just gotten better and now look" I say rudely, tugging my arm back.
I look around my wardrobe.
"Get me a long sleeved dress, father can't see this" I command,
Elphie jumps into action, she goes over to my wardrobe and grabs a beautiful velvet dark green dress and brings it over to me.
"Thank you" she says sadly,
"What are you thanking me for?" I ask,
Elphie looks confused.
"For wearing a long dress so father won't shout at me"
Now I'm the one who's confused.
"I'm not doing this for you" I say abruptly "I'm doing this so father won't take me back to the doctors"
Elphie steps back and looks down,
"Oh" she says solemnly.
"I'm sick of people feeling sorry for me" I growl.
She walks over to my wheelchair and brings it over,
"Want to get in it?" She asks meekly,
"Well there's no point in me staying in here" I snap.
She lifts me up and carries me onto my chair.

Suddenly there's a shout from downstairs.
"Elphaba bring your sister down here at once, I have a surprise for her."
Me and Elphie look at each other, she lifts me back up and begins to take me down the stairs, father steps out from within his office doorway pushing a giant golden wheelchair.
My eyes widen and Elphaba rolls hers.
"This is for you my little Nessarose, for when your governess.
It's beautiful, it has fancy red cushions all over it, it's a lot nicer than my wooden one.
"You can try it out for today and see if you like it" father says tapping the seat.
Elphie places me down on the cushion.
It's very comfortable.
"What do you think?"
"I love it!" I gush, father smiles, "Elphaba, take you sister around the house, ive got to go and take a phone call"
And with that he leaves us alone.
"Just take me into a different room, he's not going to care."

Elphaba pushes me into the lounge and she sits on the sofa in front of me.
It's so hot.
I begin to push my sleeves up slightly and see Elphaba start to panic, I put them back down and flap my hand in front of my face.
"Sorry ness" she whispers,
"Just shut up about it" I snap, glaring at her "it's bad enough you making a fool of me in front of our family, but now I have to wear this stupid dress when it's boiling."
Elphaba doesn't respond, she just looks down at her feet, she's ashamed and she should be.
I wouldn't normally be this angry at her for using her powers but I'm always livid when she knocks me out of my chair because someone always has to come and peel me off of the floor.
Father comes back,
"Still like it Nessarose?" Father asks, but I'm too busy trying to fan myself to answer.
"Nessa it's a hot day, why are you wearing your winter dress?" He asks "Elphaba go and get your sister a different dress"
Elphie stays where she is, she stares at me.
"I'm fine" I say smiling at my father.
"Nonsense, I won't have you getting a temperature" he says "go on Elphaba go and get your sister another dress."

Elphie reluctantly scampers upstairs, after a while she returns with a more weather appropriate dress, it's a short sleeved and light blue.
She walks over to me and starts to pull my dress off, father growls loudly.
He's seen my arm.
"Nessa!" He shouts, rushing over to me.
Elphaba puts the blue dress on me and awaits fathers yelling.
"Did this happen yesterday?"
I nod solemnly,
He turns and glares violently at Elphie.
"How could you be so careless, look at what you have done to your sister" he growls, "your lucky she didn't break the arm again."
I wince as he squeezes my arm protectively.
Elphie shuffles around awkwardly, father continues to examine my arm.
"Does it hurt?"
I shake my head.
"Elphaba I'm not best pleased with you" he says flatly, Elphie looks around nervously.
"Is that's why you where wearing that dress Nessa?" He asks,
I nod,
"Sorry father" I whisper.
He lifts a hand to my cheek and pulls my face to look at his.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," father says to me, he then turns back to Elphie "you on the other hand, should be ashamed"
Elphies eyes drip with tears, father doesn't care.
"Elphaba, go upstairs" father says dryly "I shall speak with you later"
Elphie does as she's told and I'm left with father.
He turns back to me and pushes me into his study, he's fuming.
"I cannot believe how thoughtless you sister is at times, does she not care how fragile you are" he growls under his breath.
I hate that word.
That's the only word that really fits me, I am fragile, or at least people act as though I am.
Father paces around angrily, I can tell that he doesn't know what to do.
"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" He asks lovingly.
"Not unless you touch it," I reply truthfully.
Father looks unsure, he thinks I'm lying.
"I don't need to go to the doctors" I snap suddenly.
I see the surprised look on fathers face at my sudden ourburst.
I cover my mouth with my hands.
"Sorry father, I just don't like going to the docto..."
"Nessa, stop apologising for things, you haven't done anything wrong" he says cutting me off.
"Now let's get you up to bed"

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