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(Takes place on the first day of shiz)

Father pushes me furiously towards my sister, Elphaba is shouting at the other students.
It's my first day and Elphie is already making it embarrassing.
"Elphaba stop making a spectacle of yourself" father growls.
Elphie steps back towards me and grabs hold of an arm rest on my chair.
We look at each other, I sigh deeply.
A well dressed old looking woman wearing a long red dress steps out from within the school.
"I am Madame Morrible" she announces, her voice is thick and fancy "I am your headmistress,"
Elphie rolls her eyes, there's a frantic tapping sound as a young blond girl rushes from behind us towards Madame Morrible.
"Sorry I'm late Madame, you see I couldn't work out what shoes to wear and I..."
Madame Morrible waves her hand to quiet the girl.
"Enough" she commands "what is your name?"
"Glinda" she repeats obediently.
I hear whispers coming from the other students.
Not the pitying or judgemental ones I'm used to hearing but they sound as if they are in awe of this girl.
I wish I could be like that.
Madame Morrible then turns to look at me and Elphie.
"What a tragically beautiful face you have my dear" she looks me up and down "you must be the governor's daughter, I've heard lots about you"
I turn to look at father, he pats me on the shoulders I hear Elphie sigh deeply.
Madame Morrible looks and Elphaba and gasps loudly, she tries to compose herself.
"And who are you?"
"Elphaba, I'm the governors other daughter I'm beautifully tragic" Elphie says staring at father, who turns away awkwardly.
"Funny, he didn't mention you"
Madame Morrible turns back to talk to the other students.

Father leans over to me and hands me a cardboard box.
I open it slowly and a pair of gleaming red shoes stare back at me.
"Jewelled shoes, thank you father!" I beam.
"It's a going away present, I'm so proud of you" he says, taking the box, father turns to Elphie "Elphaba and closes the Boc dramatically, "take care of your sister."
And with that he leaves, I turn to Elphie.
"He diddnt get you anything," I say sadly.
Elphie chuckles sadly.
"What could he get me? I clash with everything."

Madame Morrible, turns back to all of us,
"Has anyone not revived their rooms yet?" She asks gracefully.
I turn to Elphie and tug on her sleeve.
"Madame Morrible, my sister and I haven't received our rooms"
Madame Morrible looks around,
"Oh dear, will anyone room with Elphaba?"
Galinda suddenly runs forward,
"Madame Morrible" she shouts putting you her hand,
"Ah ha! Perfect, you can room with miss Glinda" Madame Morrible says, Glinda looks horrified, Elphie looks concerned.
"But I've always shared a room with my sister" Elphie says turning to me,
"The governor was very specific about nessas care, so she will stay in my private quarters so I can assist her however she needs" Madame Morrible replies, she walks over to me and grabs my handles and begins to push me towards the school.
"But Madame Morrible..." Elphie protests,
"Elphaba I'll be fine" I say, I don't want to make a fuss, it's not ideal but I guess it's better than having a stranger do it.
"Let her go!" Elphie shouts, raising her arm towards me, I feel Madame Morribles grip release from my handles, but the chair is still moving.
I hear the students around me gasp, I've never felt so embarrassed.
The chair spins around in a circle until I'm brought back into Elphabas grip,
"Elphaba, you said this time it would be different" I whisper to her harshly.
"How did you do that?" Madame Morrible asks fearfully but she steps over to us, looking intrigued.
"I'm sorry, somthing just comes over me sometimes" Elphie stutters.
"Never apologise for talent" Madame Morrible says, swooping over and putting an arm around Elphies shoulder "I shall reinstate my spell class and tutor you privately"
"What?" I hear Glinda gasp
"I shall take no other students!" Madame Morrible announces "now everyone off to your dorms"
Elphie reluctantly follows Glinda into the school and Madame Morrible takes me through a hallway to her private quarters.

Once we are in the room together, she pushes me over to a table and sits at the other end.
"So what do you know about your sisters miraculous abilities?" She asks curiously.
"I don't know, she only seems to use them on me, she just gets so overwhelming sometimes"
Madame Morrible nods intently.
"So nessarose, do you have any strange talents liken to your sister?"
I'm sick of all these questions, but the only way to get past them is to answer them and since I'll be relying on Madame Morrible rather than Elphie, I best try to get on with her.
"No, I don't nor do I want power like that"
Madame Morrible laughs,
"Don't lie to yourself dear, everyone wants power, your father says your are to be governess one day, and that's power."
I tidy my hair and lay my hands in my lap,
"That's different, it's part of my family, that I am to be governess"
"And a fine one you shall make, a polite, pretty girl like you"
I smile at her but I hate when people complement me like that.
"Now tell me dear, what are you hoping to study?"
Finally a question that I'm exited to answer,
"Music" I chirp "I play piano"
Madame Morribles eyes gleam, she stands up suddenly and grabs hold of my handles and pushes me into a different room, it's a study of sorts but in the middle is a large grand piano.
I gasp loudly.
"Would you play me something?"
I push myself over to it, I look back at Madame Morrible dumbly.
"Could you move the stall?"
"Oh of course my dear" she says moving it accordingly.
I wheel myself forward and begin to play a delicate tune on the piano, Madame Morrible sways her head to the tune of the music.

Things are finally looking up.

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