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The party is over and me and Glinda are back in our dorm.
We danced together, Ness was right, she really isn't that bad.
She gave Nessa a wonderful night and I convinced Madame Morrible to teach Glinda spells with me.
"Thank you again Glinda for sending Boc to Nessa, you've made everything a whole lot easier" I say truthfully.

Glinda hops over and sits beside me on my bed,
"Now that we are friends, how about we each share a secret, I'll start" Glinda says exitedly "Fiyero and I are going to be married"
I have to compose myself, it's just so surprising,
"He's asked you already?" I say flabbergasted,
"Oh no" Glinda says hastily, "he has no idea, anyways it's your turn" she says turning to me.
"I don't have any secrets" I lie,
"I can think of one" Glinda says cunningly,
I smile at her, playing along
"Oh yeah..."
"How about why you sleep with this funny little green bottle under your pillow" Glinda rushes out and grabs it, I jump up and snatch it off of her, burring it protectively in my arms,
"It was my mother's, leave it alone" I shout frantically,
"Well that's not fair " Glinda whines "I told you a really good one!"
Glinda flops face down on her bed in a stroppy manner.
"My father hates me..." I mutter,
"Ooh" Glinda says flying up from her bed and rushing over to me,
"That's not the secret" I snap "the secret is, that he has a good reason"
Glinda looks intrigued,
"It's my fault that my sister is the way she is, when our mother was pregnant with Nessa our father began to worry the the new a baby might come our"
"Green" we say in unison,
"He made our mother chew milk flower day and night but It made Nessa come to soon, mother never woke up and Nessa never learned to walk."

Glinda holds me tightly, affection that no one but Nessa has given me in a long time.
"That May be your secret Elphie, but it doesn't make it true"
She's wrong, it is true.
"Poor thing, does she know?" Glinda asks,
"Know what?" I ask dumbly,
Glinda holds my hands gently,
"Does Nessa know why she's disabled?"
"I mean she's probably worked out it's my fault"
Glinda tugs on my hands harshly,
"That's not what I meant, does she know about the milk flower, have you told her what your father did."
I always thought that Glinda was an airhead but she's actually proving to be quite knowledgeable.
I've never thought of is as being our fathers falt.
"I couldn't do that to her, she loves our father and he adores her so much" I mutter hanging my head lowly, Glinda puts a hand under my chin and pushes my bead back up.
"Elphie, what happened to Nessa was unfair and unforgivable of your father, but it was not your fault" Glinda says,
I look away from her as I blink away some tears.

"Do you have siblings?" I ask,
Glinda shakes her head,
"No, your lucky to have a sister, I used to hate being alone as a child, no one to play with"
I laugh,
"I'm not lucky, having a sister like Nessa is hard work, that's why I didn't want her to go with Madame Morrible"
Glinda nods taking it all in,
"She needs help with everything and I can't imagine anyone doing it but me,"
"Do you miss being a kid? I do" Glinda says,
"Not at all, my father can be a very cruel man to me, Nessa could do no wrong in his eyes but me, everything I did was incorrect"
Glinda looks shocked,
"I do everything he asks of me and he still hates me, I wasn't even allowed to hug Nessa when he was around"
Glinda hugs me tightly, as if to make up for all the missing hugs with Nessa,
"I cannot imagine not being able to hug my mumsie and popsicle" she says appalled.
"It's true!" I say "nessa used to always hurt herself in the slightest way, she pushes herself over a rock, fell out of her chair and broke her leg. She fell like half a meter!" I exclaim.
Glinda and I laugh into the early hours of the morning.

"Good morning roommate!" Glinda calls from the other side of the room, she's wearing the same white uniform, I'm sure she has about a hundred of the same dress.
"Exited for spell class?" I ask,
"Absolutely" Glinda says twirling around the room, her skirt flying out like a parachute.
Glinda waves at me and announces that she's going to get a head start to Spell class.
I open my suitcase out and grab my photo album, its got plenty of photos from my wall at home.
I open to a page of my mother,
And whisper to her, I always talk to my mother when I'm alone.
I apologise.
I confess.
I make promises that I know she will never hear but it's comforting in a way.
She always said I'd be a good big sister, I bet she never guessed how much more of a nurse than a sister I'd actually be.

I leave me room and head down the hall towards Madame Morribles classroom.
I see Nessa with some other students alongside the hallway,
"Nessa, how are you?" I say politely,
The girls who are sat around her, look at me strangely, Nessa glances at me awkwardly, she looks down at her legs and then up at me, like she's checking if I've noticed something.
Then I see it,
"Nessa, why aren't you wearing your braces?" I ask suspiciously.
Nessa glares at me,
"Don't you have to be getting to class?" She says harshly.
I take a step towards her, the other girls around her lurch back.
I know father would kill me if he found out I was letting Nessa get away with not wearing them, it's for nessas own good.

I grab hold of her chair and push her towards her dorm, to the dismay of Nessa.
The girls around her don't make a sound, they just stare at me as if I'm about to steal Nessa away forever.
"What are you doing Elphie?" She growls at me but still smiles at everyone as we pass them in the hallway,
"What are you doing Nessa? Your just going to hurt yourself" I whisper back,
Nessa grabs ahold of her wheels as we get the the door.
"I don't care Elphaba, I don't want to be different anymore," she pushes herself through her door.
I wouldn't mind her saying this but she's literally talking to someone who's green.
So I'm not very sympathetic.

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