Chapter 6

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For the next two hours they regaled him in the highlights of the years that had passed with such excitement and enthusiasm. It was entertaining to learn that Tristan now owned a bike shop and had done some apprenticing of his own as a mechanic. His bikes were all custom and fitted for whatever was needed. He designed them for racing, for every day use, for grand enthusiast shows, even Kaiba had dabbled into his business for merging his designs into his dueling arena's. It wasn't a big hit but there were some hardcore fans that kept the idea worth keeping.

Joey's career in dueling had him and Mai on tours together some times, though primarily he worked as a Personal Duel instructor while Mai attended tournaments as a dueling idol. They had been together for 5 years now and just 2 months ago did Joey pop the question. They hadn't set a date yet, but they were very excited to start planning. Atem was so happy to hear this as Joey gushed about how grand their wedding would be.

Tea's dancing had taken her to stardom. She was an idol in her own pop group, with fans and videos and her own manager. Sometimes she would need to go out with a hoodie just to keep the paparazzi off her but she loved it so much. Her dream was to do tours of the world and she was working towards it. For now, tours around Japan was keeping her satisfied.

He was so proud of each of them... it seems in the last 6 years they really had taken steps to move on with their lives. He was happy to be back, and he sensed their sincerity when they told him they wished he could have been around to see it. He just hoped now that he would be around to watch the rest of their lives unfold... though it did make him wonder what his life would be like had he a body of his own... what was his place now? He knew Yugi wanted him to stay, and he wanted to stay as well, but realistically what would he do? Joey's getting married, Tristan has a successful business, Tea's a pop idol and Yugi's a young archaeologist with an aspiring future ahead of him... what would he do if Yugi found someone to settle down with? Would he be a third wheel? He couldn't allow himself to be a part of it... and what if Yugi kept himself from experiencing these things because Atem was present? He didn't regret saving his life but what would happen now?

"We'll cross that when we come to it." Yugi told him gently.

Atem blinked in surprise... he forgot he could hear him some times.

"I've already thought about this too. When we get out of here, I've an idea I'd like to revisit but I can't do anything from in here." He continued.

"What kind of idea?" Atem asked him internally.

"It needs more thinking. I still don't know if it will work. Try not to worry about it right now, I'll let you know what I come up with. Trust me." Yugi winked.

His curiosity was deep... but he trusted him all the same.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the discovery next month, would it?" Atem asked him.

Yugi giggled and shook his head no.

"Technically I've already made this discovery. I made it 3 years ago... I just need to run through some simulations and make sure I haven't missed anything." Yugi said cheerfully.

"Okay. Then I trust you." Atem said jokingly.

The door opened then and in came Doctor Kuwai from earlier. He pleasantly said hello to everyone, cheerfully making small talk with them as he wrote down some things on his clipboard.

Atem and Yugi silently switched places as the doctor explained that he needed to borrow Yugi for a bit while they ran some tests. They agreed to leave him for a bit and come visit him again later but they stayed a bit longer as the doctor and nurses helped him to stand.

Atem was hovering close by, as if wanted to catch him if he fell, but they took it slowly.

One foot off the bed, two ... then a rest as he sat up without support. His ribs were constricting his movements and his head was swimming from the sudden change of position but he muscled through it.

He had the support of the doctor and nurses as he stood for the first time in days, taking each step slowly to regain his sense of balance.

"You good man?" Joey asked him carefully.

"Yeah... I'm just... so tall." Yugi said breathlessly. They laughed at his joke and told him they'd be around later. Grandpa hugged him gently, careful not to push him over and left with the kids. Now it was just him, the staff and Atem floating close by.

"You know you'd probably be able to walk a lot easier than I can." Yugi joked with him internally as they walked slowly down the hall, holding onto the nurses hand gently for just a little support.

"Yes but then your tests wouldn't be accurate." Atem joked.

The Xrays were taken very quickly, both of his ribs, back and skull. He was sure they took what they needed but he was surprised at how quickly they took them all. Atem watch in silence in the corner of the room and it wasn't until Yugi was asked to put his robe back on that he joined him again from the shadows. Though Yugi was aware of his presence the entire time.

"When did you get a tattoo?" Atem asked him quietly. Yugi blushed... he forgot to tell him the tattoo on his left shoulderblade was for him... the tone in Atem's voice wasn't one of disapproval... infact he seemed almost sad... but he didn't know why. If anything he thought he might have been flattered by the tattoo he chose.

"It was shortly after decided to go after the Millenium Items. I knew I'd need a little extra strength and during that time I was feeling particularly low... I knew if you were around you'd have my back so I thought it'd be appropriate to have your name written on the puzzle behind me." Yugi explained to him internally.

"Thank you Yugi." Atem said quietly before he disappeared inside him. Confused Yugi reached out to him but Atem had retreated far enough back he got the impression he didn't want to be found... so he left him be to think or rest or whatever it is he needed, leaving the door open for him so he knew it'd be okay to come out when he wanted to.

He wondered if he hurt him some how... was it wrong to do so? He didn't think Atem was against tattoo's and he was 100% positive he'd gotten the name right.

He pushed it from his mind for now, whatever it was he was sure to ask him about it later when he returned.

The MRI was next, followed by the ultrasound on his stomach and back. After that his tests would need to be examined but for now he was welcome to return to his room to shower for the first time in days. The nurses had done what they could but a good shower was what he needed.

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