Chapter 12

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Yugi yawned as Grandpa placed a tea down in front of him just as the bell at the shop rang, beckoning him downstairs to greet his customer. He was still waking up but he felt good. After his moment last night he slept wonderfully in Atems bed inside his mind. He'd slept so soundly that Atem had managed to get away to take his body back to his own bed so he wouldn't be sore in the morning for sleeping on the hard tiles of the bathroom.

Atem was asleep now that Yugi had woken. He had spent the entire night awake just in case he felt Yugi slipping into another nightmare.

Yugi smiled at the thought. He felt bad for making him stay up all night but he was flattered he did so and thankful too. He'd have to thank him again later.

He heard footsteps coming up the stairs then followed by a hollering cheer as his friends saw him.

"Hey! Yugi! Good to see you back home man!"

They came around, clapping his shoulder and rubbing his hair. Joey kissed him ontop of the head before his messed his hair up.

Yugi laughed, pushing him away playfully.

"Hey guys." He sang happily.

"How are you feeling?" Tea asked him sweetly.

"Good. Better now I'm not at the hospital. Uh, Atem would say hi too but hes sleeping at the moment." Yugi smiled.

"Late riser ey?" Joey joked.

"Haha, I kept him up all night. I don't think hell be up for a few hours yet."

"Ah gotcha. So, whats the plan for today?" Joey asked.

"Well... I can't do much of anything. Doctors orders. So... Not a lot. I do have work to catch up on though so when it's quiet I'll probably just work on that. What about you guys?"

"Same here. I gotta open the shop in an hour." Tristan complained.

"I'm meeting Mai for lunch later but otherwise I' all yours if ya need a hand?" Joey offered.

"Thanks but my works kinda boring."

"I've got the day free today too. But we bought over the Ouija board so when Atems awake we can keep him company while you work if you like?" Tea suggested

"That's be great! Actually, before that I do need to go to the museum so if you wanna keep me company?" Yugi asked.


"Great! Finish tea and go?" Yugi asked again as Grandpa came on with tea for them all.

After their tea they said their goodbyes to Tristan as he drove off to his store on his custom built bike, while Yugi and Joey took Tea's car into the city.

The sun was shining brightly today, yet the air was cool and refreshing as his gently played with the leaves of the trees and tickled the citizens going about their business. Finding a spot in the all day parking behind the museum was easy enough and thankfully today walking came alright for Yugi. He was a little slower than usual but he didn't feel any pain or awkwardness.

He left Tea and Joey in the foyer to look at various paintings and pottery displays while he flashed his personnel card to the security guard and walked on through the staff corridors.

He enjoyed the silent walk to his office... since no one expected him to be here he wasn't flooded with paperwork or requests... though 3 days away with an exhibit coming up he was sure his desk was piling up.

His office was a modest little room with nothing special about it aside from his name on the door reading Dr. Moto. Inside though it was his own little sanctuary. He kept it dimly lit to protect the various artworks he collected and stacks upon stacks of wooden boxes housed valuable artifacts he'd yet to document and donate.

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