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They took the same route to Ms. Changs that they took yesterday and as soon as Ms. Chang saw them she nodded, knowing exactly why they were here.

"Yugi Moto. You're keeping my business alive, I should be giving you a percentage. Though something tells me good fortune is coming your way shortly." She beamed as she came around the corner to greet them.

"Really? Well then this can be on me." Yugi smiled.

"Joseph Wheeler. Lovely to meet you." She said sweetly as she took his hand in hers.

"You know my name. You're really a psychic huh?" Joey laughed nervously.

"I know you from my grandson. He follows your career in dueling." She giggled, taking him to the backroom.

"Oh really?"

"Has Yugi explained to you what we're doing here today?" Ms. Chang asked.

"Kinda but I still don't get it."

"Do you have the cards?" Ms. Chang asked Yugi. He got them from his pocket and gave them to Joey.

"Not the dark magician." Atem smiled to Yugi.

"Don't worry I've got that in my wallet." Yugi smiled back to Atem. Atem was taken my surprise at his forethought and his smile widened at the flattery.

"It's very simple. All you need to do is pick a card belonging to our spirit friend Yami. This card will serve as bridge between you both. I'm then going to attune this crystal to the card you choose and then so long as you keep both the card and crystal on you, you will be able to see your friend." Ms. Chang explained.

"So all I need to do is pick one of these?" Joey asked as he fanned out the deck card by card. "Hey Yug, dis is ..."

"Yep we know. It's okay." Yugi interrupted him quickly.

"Okay... in dat case I'll pick ... Big Shield Gardna. Shame you dont have a flaming swordsman in here man." Joey joked.

"Now I take one for a moment." Ms. Chang said as she slid one off the top of the deck. Yugi then took the others from Joey as he handed her the card he picked.

Just as she did before she placed the items on the desk and began to chant.

"I'm going to take a look around. Stay here." Yugi told Joey quietly. "You should probably stay put too... just incase it affects the spell." Yugi told Atem before slipping out of the room.

Out of sight he took to looking in the book section, breezing through the titles on the spines. There were several that caught his eye but reading briefly the blurbs he realised it was more for comfort and grief rather than actual application. He wasn't surprised though; it was extremely unlikely a book on what he was looking for would be laying around in plain sight. Its possible she'd have had something in a more serious stash but he still wasn't sure how to approach this.

Soon enough Atem, Joey and Ms. Chang walked out, talking happily to one another as they approached him. Joey was gushing, bombarding Atem with questions and enthusiastic energy while Ms. Chang handed him the card she used and followed him back to the counter pleasantly.

"Your friends must adore him. He's quite unique isn't he?" She asked him.

"He is." Yugi said pleasantly. "How much do I owe you?"

"Total 1100 yen. Yugi... there's something different about you today than there was yesterday."

Yugi looked through his wallet for his cash card to pay her, hovering it over the device to pay. "I'm pretty busy now. I've got a large job to do today, likely going to take all night."

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