Chapter 17

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He ended up spending the next hour after dinner letting Atem play the racing game he mentioned earlier. He was very much enjoying himself and Yugi admitted to himself he loved seeing him have so much fun and trying so hard to get the corners right. It brought out his competitive streak and once he had won yet another race in a row he put the controller down to rest.

"Thank you Yugi. That was fun." He said kindly.

"You didn't want to keep playing?" Yugi asked him.

"I would love to but perhaps I should let you keep working. I know you've got a lot to do and you won't go to sleep until it's done right?"

"You're not wrong. Okay." Yugi said and without warning Atem switched places with him.

"You'll be alright?" Yugi asked.

"Yeah. I've got some things I can do to kill time without getting in the way. It'll be nice to visit some places I used to go to back in the day."

"Okay. Well then I'll come look for you if I need to yeah?"

"Sure thing. Get some sleep." Atem urged again before disappearing.

Now alone he closed the door behind him and sat down at his desk, letting out a sigh he hadn't realised he was holding in. He wondered what it was he had seen in his subconscious but the words he was choosing suggested he might have been referring to his attempt of suicide.... He didn't particularly want to keep this from him but he really wanted to keep that story buried... he had already uncovered his scars to him and having grown so much in these past years he felt delving any deeper would be unnecessary.

He pushed it away and got to work. He needed to focus.

Atem wondered the halls of his Palace aimlessly. He couldn't wait for Yugi to finish with his work. He knew with his job now that Yugi wouldn't have had as much time for him like he used to but he just wished there was something he could do to help besides give him space but there was nothing he could do from within the puzzle ... and he knew nothing of archaeology.

Sighing he decided to give up searching for a memory to sit within and instead visit the room he had created yesterday. He hadnt been vack here since creating it; he felt bothered still by what Yugis dark side had said to him... But he wanted to spend time with Yugi... Even if it wasn't real. He knew Yugi well enough yo make this copy of him feel it and perhaps that wpuld sate his desire for company. As he stared ay the door thougu he chuckled. He had never been so needy before... perhaps it had some5hing to do with the time between them... Even though he barely felt that much time had gone by it was evident in the way Yugi and his friends nda he felt a strong need to learn and absorb as much as he could to fill the distance. Yes... that must have been it. And while Yugi required space to complete his work then it would be absolutely fine if he spent time with a cognitive version of him instead, even for just the company.

Opening the door he found the room inside had changed somewhat to his surprise. No longer was it just an empty room ready to be filled but rather it resemvled Yugis bedroom. For a moment he thought he had crossed into the real world but as he looked in the mirror and saw his own body staring back ay him he knew this had to be in his mjnd. He smiled to uomself fondly... his subconscious must chosen what he truly desired and that was nothing more than a quiet amount of time with Yugi.

"Atem! There you are." Yugi said from his desk, smiling brigjtly at him. He looked happier, less tired and certaibly nlt in the middle of anything.


Yugi came to greet him, standing a half a head smaller than he, his hands behind his back and large lavender eyrs sparlling at him. He appeared younger... perhaps as he did all those years ago but his shoulders and arms were older... perhaps this was him now just without the fatigue of the last week wearing him down.

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