Chapter 4

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That Friday

Dixies POV

That Monday after getting addison home I go home to see avani and my sister making out on the couch. Which now avani is scared of me and I'm never leaving charli alone again... ever... but it's Friday so it's game day. Addison and I gotten close after what happened. We hang out at lunch and mess around when I'm practicing,which coach doesn't like, and we have some classes together. I walk into the locker room after getting in my jersey and pads.

"Captain someone is outside waiting for you" Bryce says. I still hate him for what he did to Addison but we can't have any bad blood because we are a team. I walk out the locker room to see Addison standing there in her skirt and top.

"Hi I just wanted to say good luck before the game" she says hugging me and kissing my cheek. I hug her back and smile.

"Thanks, but I think we got this. They're an easy team" I reassure her.

"Don't let your head get to big now" she smacks my arm. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I gotta go I'll see you on the sidelines" I gave her a salute and walked back into the locker room. Coach talked to us a while and we stand up and do our tradition.

"Oh three" I say.

" 1 2 3 lions!" We yell out together and run out. It's a home game so the crowd was loud but it only fueled me up more. My teammates go to the ref so the can flip the coin. I told them a trick so we always get ball first and most of the time we do. They flip the coin and we get to kick. I frown and look at the cheerleaders to see Addison staring at me. I playfully wink at her and she blushed and looks down.

That's weird

After 3 incomplete passes they kick the ball to us. Our kick returner makes it to the 50 yard line and my teammates hype him up when he walks to the sidelines. Coach calls me over to tells me the play. While he was talking I was staring at Addison cheering. Seeing her smile made my heart flutter.

"Got it" coach says patting my helmet.

"Uh yea Ig" I say confusingly. He rolls his eyes.

"Just find an open man bullseye" he says smiling. I smile back and go to the huddle.

"What's the play" I ask.

"C'mon captain you should know you're the quarterback" Blake says. I roll my eyes.

"The play is attack23" Bryce says. We break and get into our positions. I look at my teammates and they seem focused. Then I hear some comments.

"A girl quarterback, hey I'm not so scared at all" he laughs and he teammates does to. I smile at the comment.

"Ready!" I yell.

"Attack23!" I see my teammates cleats dig in the grass deeper.

"Set... Hike!" I catch the ball and I see Bryce cut and I quickly threw the ball to him and he catches it. I watch him run as I run to coach for the next play.he tackle at the 30 yard line. I smile and see the cheerleaders go wild but Addison was a little unenthusiastic about it. She keeps her smile tho.

"So were are running a play fake so we're gonna run it ok. So do stalk27" he says. I nod my head and run to the huddle again.

"We're running it, stalk27 Blake" he nods. We break and line up again. I do the same thing but this time I had a gut feeling something was wrong.

"Hike!" I yelled. I run back a fake throw it and pass it to Blake. He runs towards the end zone and makes the touchdown. The crowd goes wild and I look around. I look to see if Addison and charli was ok and they were. She was looking at me smiling and charli was talking to avani.I smile back at Addison,but then her smile dropped. I looked confused until I felt a body tackle me.i managed to get the person off with some help to see it's the boy who 'insulted' me.

"You fucking dyke you aren't shit!" He yells. I laugh and look over to thier cheerleaders. I see a embarrassed girl shaking her head.

"Is that your girl?" I ask him. He nods.

"Yea and?" I wait till she looks over to me and I wink at her. She blushed and looks away. I turn back to the boy to see him shocked. I laughed at him and walked off.

Time skip

It was the end of the game and we were celebrating. The first game win always feels great. We won 24 to 0 and I felt really good about my game tonight. Other than me getting distracted by Addison I was pretty focused and didn't miss a pass. After everyone left the field, I changed quickly and walk back to the field. I looked up to the sky and smiled.

"First win of the season dad. I didn't miss a pass this game and hopefully I can keep that up." I feel the wind blow gently and I smile a little.

"I miss you" I said tearing up. After sitting there for a while I get up and walk off the field to go to my car. I see Charli patiently waiting for me at the car. I unlock it and see Charli look up and gave me a small smile.

"Dad" she says softly. I nod and get in the driver seat. " good game tonight dix, you did amazing" she says. I smile at her compliment.

"I always do amazing char" I say confidently. She scoffs.

"Yea like you staring at Addison all night didn't make you a little unfocused. It's the lying for me" she says and opens her phone. I blush and start the car and pull out from the school. While driving I get a text. Charli grabs my phone.

"Addison is coming over" my eyes widen.

"What?! Why?!" I ask feeling my heart race. I see her fingers tap.

"She wants to hang out" I speed up a little and pull into our driveway. I jump out quickly and run upstairs to shower. As soon as I finished I wrapped a towel around me and go to my room and find a wide eyed Addison on my bed.

Well shit....

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